Category Archives: Induron In the News

Improving Worker Safety

By Jeff White, Induron Sales Manager

I’m not much on “big government,” and sometimes, in my opinion, many regulations are arbitrary. Regulations for regulation’s sake never helped anybody. However, when it comes to worker safety, we’ve got to continually improve and maintain focus to make sure all of us get home to our families safely every day.

This article from Paint Square News outlines a few upcoming regulations from OSHA that focus on improving the safety of the industrial coatings industry. We’re glad to have them, and look forward to implementing them in our work!

The REAL Green Mountains of New Hampshire

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive Vice President

We all want a greener world, and we all want to save a little money. And the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD) is showing us how we can do both.

This organization, serving communities in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, is demonstrating how to have a greener world by efficiently retrofitting a wastewater treatment plant.

This article from the January 2012 edition of Water and Waste Digest highlights the efficiency improvements at this plant that will “promote green concepts in the environmental sense, but also green concepts in the more traditional sense, as they ultimately will reduce cost for the district.” Continue reading The REAL Green Mountains of New Hampshire

Occupy a Charity

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive VP

Amidst all the political name calling, Occupy this-and-that and bad news on TV, there really are still some true American philanthropists.

The earthquake that struck Washington, D.C., last August caused structural cracks in the Washington Monument – not what you want to see in a national landmark honoring the father of our country. But David Rubenstein, co-founder of The Carlyle Group, donated the $7.5 million needed to restore the landmark to its original glory.

I have to think that if there were more people like Rubenstein in America, we’d all be better off. All those complaining about the 1%-ers wouldn’t have much to gripe about! We can all learn from him that it’s important to give back to causes we support, whether we can give $1 or $1 million.

Shocking Sewage Statistics (and unrelenting puns)

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive Vice President

Most anything can be proven using statistics. I recently ran across a couple of quotes that essentially say just that:

“Be able to analyze statistics, which can be used to support or undercut almost any argument.”  Marilyn vos Savant

“I can prove anything by statistics except the truth.” George Canning


“Anything people put in quotes and include on Facebook is automatically taken as the gospel truth.” George Washington (it’s possible that I just made that one up)

I was startled recently by a few statistics that were used in Ted J. Rulseh’s letter from the editor in the January edition of Municipal Sewer & Water titled “Second Rate?”

Rulseh brings up the fact that, “Every year, sewer overflows contaminate U.S. waters with 860 BILLION gallons of untreated sewage, an amount that could fill 1.3 million Olympic-size swimming pools Continue reading Shocking Sewage Statistics (and unrelenting puns)

Water, Water Everywhere… Or is it?

Not to sound like an alarmist, but the world’s water supply is, in fact, a finite resource. Potable water might not get the same publicity as oil or other fossil fuels, but it is significantly more important for civilization than even energy. Projects like this San Diego “recycling” experiment might seem weird, or even a little gross, on the surface, but after a little thought just might be the future of drinking water in arid and semi-arid environments throughout the world.

Induron: Saving the World!

Induron products help slow down and reduce corrosion on industrial structures. We specialize in the water, wastewater, electrical transmission and pipeline industries. When I saw this article on about the Alaskan Pipeline having to shut-down and pay a large sum in EPA fines because of corrosion, I realized that our industry affects so much more than is readily noticeable from the surface. We help save the world! We help reduce pollution caused by leakage, ensure energy transmission through towers and pipelines and help sustain life itself by keeping potable water clean. Don’t you want to be in the industrial coatings business too?!

How Should Conflict be Resolved?

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive Vice President

I know for certain the best way to resolve a conflict IS NOT to meet at the flagpole after 7th period! I’ve been there, done that, and it didn’t work out well for either party. And I’m not even going to bring up attorneys and their fees here – that’s even worse than the flagpole option.

The Problem Solving Forum found in a recent issue of the Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings (JPCL) addresses the issue of conflict in coatings projects – they’re much more prevalent than one Continue reading How Should Conflict be Resolved?

Let’s grow this thing!

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive Vice President

I just read Gary Mintchell’s article, “Investing in Manufacturing and the Future of The Country.” I’m tired of “cutting,” and I think Gary Mintchell has it right with this short piece from “Automation World.” The time for investing on infrastructure – true investment not just some political sound-bite – will never be better than right now because of low interest rates, inexpensive labor and pre-inflationary material costs. This investment might just be what our current economy needs to grow us out of our current “fragile” state. What do you think?