Category Archives: Coatings

Story of a Photo: What I Learned on a Cold Day in Chicago

By: Jamie Laird, Induron Sales Representative

Jamie Laird SSPCAbout 5 or 6 years ago, I began teaching Concrete Coating Inspection classes for SSPC because of my passion for preparing and coating concrete. When I took the class about 10 years ago, it changed my career path and led me in new directions. As I focused increasingly more on the three main market segments for concrete coatings (floors, tanks and infrastructure), I became aware of just how much ingenuity and knowledge is required of the applicators of these products.  Continue reading Story of a Photo: What I Learned on a Cold Day in Chicago

Lockdown and Seal Your Substrate with E-Bond 100 Penetrating Sealer

Ebond 100 penetrating sealerAs an ideal primer for those tough conditions where sandblasting is just not practical, E-Bond 100 Penetrating Sealer is the perfect solution. Originally designed for touching up rusty steel in a below grade mining environment, E-Bond 100 is now commonly used as a primer for a variety of hard-to-coat surfaces. When you need to lockdown and seal your substrate, E-Bond is the product to get the job done! This low viscosity, two component, solvent free epoxy is specially formulated to penetrate and seal concrete, rusted steel, and/or tightly adhered existing coatings. Continue reading Lockdown and Seal Your Substrate with E-Bond 100 Penetrating Sealer

Cold Weather Coatings Guide for Water Tanks

By: Tom Wunderlin, Induron Sales Representative

Applying coatings in cold weatherThe temperature of everything from the paint material itself to the air to especially the substrate being painted is a very important factor to take into consideration in the application of protective coatings.  Continue reading Cold Weather Coatings Guide for Water Tanks

Who is Induron Protective Coatings?

By: Ben Rowland, Induron Technical Services Director

Induron Protective CoatingsTo familiarize our customers and the general industry with who Induron Protective Coatings really is, we produced a series of videos. In a world dominated by the international, corporate paint manufacturers, most people believe companies like ours don’t exist anymore.  Continue reading Who is Induron Protective Coatings?

Induron Protective Coatings Announces its 2019 Project of the Year

Induron Project of the Year 2020To kick off 2020, Induron is excited to announce that its 2019 Project of the Year is the Texarkana Water Utilities Clarifier Rehabilitation. For the facility to effectively treat the potable water used in the surrounding community, Texarkana Water Utilities needed to rehabilitate a concrete clarifier in their Millwood Potable Water Treatment Plant in Ashdown, Ark.  Continue reading Induron Protective Coatings Announces its 2019 Project of the Year

Exceeding Expectations: A 10-year Case History of Aquanaut II High Performance Acrylic

By: Paul Powers, Induron Sales Representative

In the summer of 2009, Bazan Painting Co. and Induron Protective Coatings teamed up to paint the 200-foot-tall Italgrani Flour Mill Elevator located on the Mississippi River in St. Louis Missouri. Continue reading Exceeding Expectations: A 10-year Case History of Aquanaut II High Performance Acrylic

Meet our New Technical Director


We are excited to welcome Jeff Lackey to the Induron team.  Jeff recently joined us from Iowa.  With his extensive background and experience at all levels of the industry, he will make a tremendous addition to our Induron team.  To learn a little more about Jeff, check out our Q&A with him below:

Continue reading Meet our New Technical Director

A Trip Back to Greenwood

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

In early October, I had the opportunity to attend a cooking class at the Viking Cooking Ranges facility in lovely Greenwood, MS.  This event was part of a retreat for a professional group called Entrepreneurs’ Organization that I am proud to be a part of.   Continue reading A Trip Back to Greenwood

InduraPlan: Corrosion Protection for T&D Structures

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

At Induron Protective Coatings, we find ourselves traveling across the world to visit electric utilities with T&D corrosion issues at an increasing rate. Thanks to the new age of global marketing, people in faraway places are discovering that Induron offers cost-effective solutions for protecting global T&D assets. Plus, Induron’s sales and technical service team members are certified as NACE coating inspectors and have extensive experience managing asset protection programs. Continue reading InduraPlan: Corrosion Protection for T&D Structures

Product Spotlight: Ceramasafe 90 Ceramic Epoxy

Ceramasafe 90 Ceramic Epoxy is the ideal solution for a wide range of wastewater and treatment plant applications. While Induron’s Protecto 401 Ceramic Epoxy has been the industry standard for handling untreated wastewater influent for decades, Ceramasafe 90 brings this same 35-year track record of ceramic epoxy performance to the rest of your treatment plant assets. Continue reading Product Spotlight: Ceramasafe 90 Ceramic Epoxy