Category Archives: Coatings

Ceramapure PL-90 Ceramic Epoxy: The All-In-One Pipe Lining Solution

Protect your pipes with the “all-in-one” pipe lining solution. With Ceramapure PL-90 Ceramic Epoxy, Induron brings decades of experience and technology to the pipe market that offers an especially unique barrier coating. Continue reading Ceramapure PL-90 Ceramic Epoxy: The All-In-One Pipe Lining Solution

Protect Your Assets with Fast Prime 2 & Indurethane Monarch

By: Ron Bouthillier, Induron Sales Representative

A study cited by insulation company John Mansville in 2016 tells us that corrosion now exceeds 1.1 trillion dollars in the U.S each year. This staggering number should catch the attention of both equipment owners and manufacturers. Protecting assets from corrosion will increase the longevity and functionality of an asset, which ultimately impacts a company’s profitability. Continue reading Protect Your Assets with Fast Prime 2 & Indurethane Monarch

Induron Market Manager Interviewed for IEEE

IEEE, (pronounced “Eye-triple-E”), stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The association is dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity and is the world’s largest technical professional society. Kendall Smith was honored to be asked to do an interview about Induron: Continue reading Induron Market Manager Interviewed for IEEE

Ductile Iron: The Power Poles That Should Have Always Been

By: Chris Rowell, Induron Sales Representative

Sometimes there are products that have so many advantages, you wonder why they haven’t been around since the dawn of time. Take the iPad, for instance. Or solar calculators. Or The Price is Right. Or the combination of ductile iron and ceramic epoxy paint coatings for the electrical transmission and distribution industry . Let me explain. Continue reading Ductile Iron: The Power Poles That Should Have Always Been

Project Spotlight: South Elevated Storage Tank

By: Dick Belliveau, Induron Sales Representative

The South Elevated Storage tank is a one-million-gallon elevated water tank owned by the City of Port Huron in Michigan. After years of use, the water tank was beginning to show signs of deterioration and rusting. This tank refurbishment project needed products that could be applied successfully to its previously-painted alkyd aluminum coating. Fortunately, two Induron products were specified to get the job done. Continue reading Project Spotlight: South Elevated Storage Tank

SSPC 2018 Recap

By: Ben Rowland, Induron Technical Service Director

Induron Protective Coatings was excited once again to exhibit and participate in one of our industry’s major national trade shows, SSPC 2018 in New Orleans, Louisiana. An unusual cold snap was experienced in the Crescent City that brought a hard freeze and even a little snow, which is extremely rare. Despite some closed roads and businesses, the conference went off without a hitch. Continue reading SSPC 2018 Recap

Meet Induron’s Technical Service Director

By: Ben Rowland, Induron Technical Service Director

Having been employed by Induron Protective Coatings for over 10 years now, I’ve been able to watch the company grow consistently. In recent years, namely 2017, things have ramped up beyond what I would consider consistent growth. We have a dedicated sales team far larger than ever before. We have a geographic footprint more expansive than it has ever been before. We are delving into more diversified markets/industries than ever before.  In the midst of all these “ever before” statements, we’ve maintained our ability to serve our various customers and markets as well as any manufacturer in the industry. Continue reading Meet Induron’s Technical Service Director

Why We Believe in Fair Competition

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

I really like competition. I always have. In my time, I have raced cars, bicycles, motorcycles, boats and on foot. I have played tennis, football, baseball, soccer, bridge, hearts, checkers and chess. Competition is fun, exhilarating, challenging and will force you to improve your game. Continue reading Why We Believe in Fair Competition

Equivalencies in Engineering Specifications

By: George Shannon, Induron Sales Representative

Paint Square recently published an article discussing equivalencies in engineering specifications. Most of the narrative focused on the technical comparison of products. Specifically, the two biggest questions regarding this issue are:

Continue reading Equivalencies in Engineering Specifications

Indurlux 9400 Brightens Dekalb Tank Farm

By: Paul Powers, Induron Sales Representative

Epoxy Siloxane technology was introduced to the industry in the early 1990s, and has since gone through many changes to become what it is today. Induron has recently developed a world-class, high-gloss and tint-able Epoxy PolySiloxane Coating that we like to call Indurlux 9400. Continue reading Indurlux 9400 Brightens Dekalb Tank Farm