Category Archives: Holidays and Events

Introducing Mortarchem: The Next Generation of Cementitious Epoxy Mortar

CoatingsPro WebcastAs with many other industries and companies, the COVID-19 pandemic jarred the way we do business. However, it presented the opportunity to showcase product innovation in a digital world. And in 2021, we plan to take advantage of technology to show off a physical product without being physically together.   Continue reading Introducing Mortarchem: The Next Generation of Cementitious Epoxy Mortar

Join Induron at PaintSquare Connect

PaintSquare ConnectSince the inaugural event, Induron has never missed a Contractor Connect, and we’re not missing it this year! Join Induron virtually at PaintSquare Connect on November 10-11, 2020.  Continue reading Join Induron at PaintSquare Connect

The Story of The REAL Santa Claus

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

As the Christmas season begins, I enjoy reminiscing on the special memories and traditions that the holidays hold. One of my favorite Christmas memories is my dad dressing up as Santa Claus and bringing joy to the Birmingham community. Continue reading The Story of The REAL Santa Claus

What the Induron Team is Thankful for this Year

It’s been a busy year at Induron full of exciting projects and new products and we look forward to an exciting 2020 ahead!   With the holidays upon us, we want to take time to reflect on what we are truly grateful for.

We asked some of our employees to share their traditions and what they are most thankful for when it comes to their personal and professional lives:

Continue reading What the Induron Team is Thankful for this Year

Cooperation is a Powerful Tool

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to attend the annual Guild CPO Conference held at The Drake in Downtown Chicago, IL. As a 20-year-old organization made up of small- and medium-sized paint manufacturing companies, Guild CPO was organized to provide cooperative purchasing services for its member companies in order to improve their profitability. That’s a really nice way to say that the group is similar to a buyer’s co-op, where cooperation and teamwork really do help lift all. When it’s done right, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” As a longtime member and participant, I think that this group is currently doing it right! Continue reading Cooperation is a Powerful Tool

Induron Attends ACE 2019

By: Tex Enoch, Induron Water Tank Market Manager

I believe this is the 40th AWWA Annual Convention that I have attended and my 12th as an Induron representative.  It is also the first conference in 25 years that I have no committee responsibilities.  My colleague, Andy Odorzinski has replaced me on the D101 and 102 committees Continue reading Induron Attends ACE 2019

Induron to Present at Steel Water Storage Tank Seminar

Are you an engineer, consultant, water agency, water tank owner/operator or municipality? The Steel Water Storage Tank Seminar is designed to educate those who do not usually deal with steel tanks on what to expect with steel tanks and current best practices as well as answer any questions they may have. Hosted by the Steel Tank Institute (STI)/ Steel Plate Fabricators Association (SPFA), the seminar is coming up on Tuesday, March 26 in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Hilton Garden Inn . Continue reading Induron to Present at Steel Water Storage Tank Seminar

The Story of The REAL Santa Claus

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

As the Christmas season begins, I enjoy reminiscing on the special memories and traditions that the holidays hold. One of my favorite Christmas memories is my dad dressing up as Santa Claus and bringing joy to the Birmingham community. Continue reading The Story of The REAL Santa Claus