Category Archives: Holidays and Events

Thoughts on Veterans Day from an Induron Vet

By Jeff White, Induron Sales Manager and Gulf War M1A1 Tank Platoon Leader

Induron's Jeff White in the Gulf WarAs we approach November 11, I thought it would be nice to share some of the history of Veterans Day.

Veterans Day is an official United States holiday, observed on November 11, honoring armed service veterans. It coincides with other holidays such as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, which are celebrated in other parts of the world and also mark the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I – major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice.)

Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day; Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day is a day for remembering the men and women who died while serving.

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed Armistice Day for November 11, 1919. In 1945, World War II veteran Raymond Weeks from Birmingham, Alabama, had the idea to expand Armistice Day to celebrate all veterans, not just those who died in World War I. Weeks led a delegation to Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, who supported the idea of National Veterans Day. Weeks led the first national celebration in 1947 in Alabama, and annually until his death in 1985. Continue reading Thoughts on Veterans Day from an Induron Vet

See you at WEFTEC 2012!

If it’s numbers you want, WEFTEC 2012 may be the hottest ticket around in the world for water and wastewater professionals:

Conquer Your Coatings Applications with Upcoming Webinar

By Jeff White, Induron Sales Manager

Ultra-high solids (otherwise known as 100-percent solids) coatings are becoming more prevalent every day in our industry, as the restrictions on VOC’s continue to tighten across the country. At Induron, we welcome that, because we have the most user-friendly 100-percent solids products on the market for water and wastewater applications.

Many folks are still cautious about using these products, since they require plural component equipment. But we’ve found over the past few years that with a little education, practice and the correct equipment, projects requiring plural component coatings and equipment can run just as smoothly as traditional coatings. And, in fact, plural component projects have a number of cost saving advantages!

If you’d like to learn more about plural component applications, register for the upcoming free SSPC webinar sponsored by WIWA on Sept. 26. Then contact us to learn more about our 100-percent solids products.

Founded in 1947, Induron manufactures high performance coatings that serve a range of industrial applications, including the wastewater, electrical transmission and distribution, and groundwater storage industries. Induron is the maker of Protecto 401TM, the leading ceramic epoxy pipe lining for the wastewater industry. Learn more about us at  



It’s a hauntingly good deal!

Join Induron Coatings in New Orleans at WEFTEC this fall, and save $170 off the registration price when you register by this Friday, July 13!

It might seem a little “spooky” to register for an October event on Friday the 13th – but we know you won’t be frightened away from a good deal!

Use the money you’ll save on your registration fees to enjoy one of New Orleans’ most unique experiences – a cemetery tour! It’s one of Davies’ personal favorite New Orleans activities – find out more here.

Happy Birthday ACA!

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive Vice President

Induron would like to wish the American Coatings Association (ACA) a Happy 125th birthday! The ACA is a valuable organization to all of us in the paint manufacturing business (and, to be truthful, a whole mess of other businesses that use paint). It’s an organization that Induron Coatings has supported for a long time. Continue reading Happy Birthday ACA!

You’re Invited!

By Tex Enoch, Induron Sales Representative

Induron Coatings would like to invite all engineers, water system owners and other interested individuals in the Mid-Atlantic region to an informative seminar hosted by Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association (STI/SPFA) at the Courtyard Marriott Pentagon in Alexandria, VA, on May 10.

During this day-long informative seminar, we’ll cover all aspects of water storage tanks, including applicable standards and all phases of design, construction and protection.

Each segment of the seminar will be presented by a recognized professional in that particular field. I am proud to be presenting a segment entitled “The Tank Coatings Process,” and will also participate in the “Total Cost of Ownership” segment as well.

I know how busy you all are, but this is a truly worthwhile event that can help you make reasonable decisions when selecting and protecting your steel water storage tanks. Plus, engineers will receive CEUs for attending. Please click here to view a brochure about the event.

I hope to see you all on May 10!


Meet Part of the Induron Family: Scott Pruitt

We’re proud to introduce you to the third employee in our “Meet the Induron Family” blog series: Scott Pruitt.

Scott works in the paint making department at Induron, making Protecto 401 – one of the company’s biggest sellers. He also does simple maintenance around the company, making sure everything is running smoothly.

Scott is a second-generation Induron employee – his father retired from Induron after working here for 40 years. Continue reading Meet Part of the Induron Family: Scott Pruitt

Meet Part of The Induron Family: Willie Brown

The greatest asset a company can have is dedicated employees. And it’s the time of year when we’re especially thankful for our long-term employees who go above and beyond every day. We’d like to introduce you an employee who has been here nearly four decades – Willie Brown.

“I’ve worked all over the Induron plant,” Willie said. “Now, I drive the delivery truck and work in the warehouse.” He’s been working at Induron for 38 years, and loves his job. Continue reading Meet Part of The Induron Family: Willie Brown

Thank You, Veterans!

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive Vice President

Induron would like to thank all of the men and women – and their families –  who have served and continue to serve our great country. We are proud to honor you every day!

We’d like to take this opportunity to give a special shout out to Jeff White, Induron’s Sales Manager, who was the commanding officer in one of the lead tanks crossing the desert and racing into Bagdad almost 20 years ago during Desert Storm. Because of brave men and women like our very own Jeff White, the rest of us are able to live in the Land of the Free! Thanks Jeff!