Category Archives: Induron Values

Why Cycle Count Matters and Why We Share Ours

By John Anspach, VP of Operations

You’ve heard us talk about “cycle count.” This number is a tool used to gauge how efficient and consistent we are when making paint.

Each time a batch is made, technicians perform a battery of tests to ensure it matches the formula and meets qualifications for viscosity, solids and flow. If it’s just right the first time, the cycle count is zero. If something is even a tiny bit off, the batch goes back to our technicians and is adjusted. Testing is then repeated until the paint matches the qualifications exactly. Continue reading Why Cycle Count Matters and Why We Share Ours

On Traditions in Football and at Induron

By John Bickel, Induron Sales Rep

On November 22, my wife and I were fortunate enough to attend the University of Louisville vs. Notre Dame football game in South Bend, Indiana along with another Induron Coatings couple and a client with his wife.

At Induron, we love tradition and connecting with our clients like this is a big part of that. If we’re able to connect at sporting events, that’s even better.

And talk about tradition. How about words, names or phrases you have heard all your life, like “Touchdown Jesus,” “The Golden Dome,”  “Fighting Irish,” “Knute Rockne,” and “Four Horsemen.” The list goes on, and on and on. Continue reading On Traditions in Football and at Induron

Bringing Home the Bacon

By Linc York, Induron Sales Rep

Successful sales are about developing relationships built upon trust, and many times, this involves going the proverbial extra mile. Nothing new about that.

I have often said that one of the best things about selling protective coatings is that no two days are alike. I love the variety and diversity of calling on different people in different roles and working for different companies. My sales philosophy has always been that when my customer calls me, they have my undivided attention and are assured that I will do everything I can to fulfill their request. Continue reading Bringing Home the Bacon

Technology vs. the Old Fashioned Way

By Barry Peters

In today’s business climate with cell phones, email and all the other technological advances that allow for immediate communication, it’s considered a desirable trait to be on the “cutting edge.” These “gadgets” supposedly enhance the customer’s overall experience. In my capacity as Customer Service Manager at Induron, I have found some truths that seem to confound these technologies. Continue reading Technology vs. the Old Fashioned Way

Happy to Serve at Jimmie Hale Mission

By Davies Hood, Induron President

“Happiness comes from doing something of significance, and it really comes from doing something of significance for someone else.” – Nick Saban

Recently members of the Induron Team went to serve lunch at the Jimmie Hale Mission in downtown Birmingham for a second time. The above quote from Alabama football coach, Nick Saban, reminded me of a couple of the truly important parts of life: happiness and service. Continue reading Happy to Serve at Jimmie Hale Mission

Striving for Zero Defects

David D. Hood, President, Induron Coatings

“Zero Defects!” So proclaimed a huge sign over the entrance to Lockheed Martin‘s production facility in Marietta, GA. It was 1966, and I was a newly minted junior engineer doing structural analysis on the forward bulkhead of the C-5A Galaxy. It seemed pretty obvious that defects in manufacturing an aircraft capable of lifting 800,000 pounds into the air were not well tolerated. Continue reading Striving for Zero Defects

Why My Knowledge is Your Knowledge

By Ben Rowland, Induron Sales Rep

As an Induron sales rep, I spend a lot of time honing my knowledge of the industry. Whether I’m attending a continuing education course, getting re-certified in a particular aspect of the industry or working with our Induron chemists to ensure I’m up to date on the latest and greatest products we offer, staying informed on every aspect of the world of coatings is vital to our business… and YOUR success. Continue reading Why My Knowledge is Your Knowledge

On a Mission at Jimmie Hale Mission

Brenda Robbins, Induron Controller

We are always looking for ways to help others at Induron. Our ideal volunteer opportunity involves supporting the community and making our team stronger by working together for a great cause.

Davies Hood, Induron President, recently attended a Kiwanis meeting where he heard Tony Cooper, Executive Director of The Jimmie Hale Mission speak. Continue reading On a Mission at Jimmie Hale Mission

My Experiences as a Little League Coach

By Davies Hood, Induron President

Last Sunday morning I read a great “Guest Opinion” in the Birmingham News about little league baseball titled “Out of the Mouths of Little Leaguers.”

It forced me to think about my own experiences over the past few months coaching the Southside Sharks, a five and six year old coach pitch team that one of my best friends encouraged me to help him with. Continue reading My Experiences as a Little League Coach