Category Archives: Induron Values

Distilling Economic Advantages

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive VP

Induron Coatings would like to be one of the first to congratulate William Grant & Sons for their recent innovative breakthrough. Sure, their “2011 Distiller of the Year Award” they recently won at the International Wine and Spirit Competition is great, but I’m talking about their “green” breakthrough.

The distillery recently generated enough energy in-house to power their whole operation. That’s right, not only do they distill award-winning spirits, they do it completely “off-the-grid!” Read about it in the February 2012 edition of WE&T (scroll down for the article).

This type of innovation should be advantageous to William Grant & Sons economically from both an operations AND marketing perspective, and should also serve as an inspiration to the rest of us in both private and public business to go “green” where we can.

Good sentiments about being realistic with energy transmission

By Dick Belliveau, Induron Sales Rep

Flip a switch and a light goes on, turn up your thermostat and your house gets warm. Magic, right! But how does the energy get from the power plants or oil fields to your home?

Whether it’s a transmission line or a gas and oil pipeline, there’s got to be a way for that energy to reach you – it’s a requirement in today’s world. Sometimes the “old” way that energy is transported, either by pipe lines or power lines, is actually “greener” than the alternative. What do I mean? Conventional means of power transmission actually result in a smaller carbon footprint than shipping, rail and especially trucking. It might seem counterintuitive, but a lot in life is. Continue reading Good sentiments about being realistic with energy transmission

First Cycle Count of 2012

Our Cycle Count for January 2012 was 0.17. This is a great start to the new year, and shows our employees are ready to tackle 2012 with exceptional accuracy. Can we go lower in February? We’ll find out soon!

What is Cycle Count?

Each month, we do an internal report called “Cycle Count,” to summarize all our “Production corrections” in one number. Cycle count is a direct measure of how well we perform at “doing it right the first time, every time.” Continue reading First Cycle Count of 2012

December and Year-End Cycle Counts

Our Cycle Count for December 2011 was 0.21. This is a great number, but even better are our 4th quarter and year-end cycle counts – 0.17 and 0.19, respectively!

We met all of our Quality Goals in the 4th quarter of 2011 – it was our best quarter and year-to-date ever! Congratulations Induron Operations Team!

What is Cycle Count?  Continue reading December and Year-End Cycle Counts

Zero Defects!

By David Hood, Induron President

“Zero Defects!” So proclaimed a huge sign over the entrance to Lockheed- Martin’s production facility in Marietta, Ga. It was 1966, and I was a newly minted junior engineer doing structural analysis on the forward bulkhead of the C-5A Galaxy. It seemed pretty obvious that defects in manufacturing an aircraft capable of lifting 800,000 pounds into the air were not well tolerated.  Continue reading Zero Defects!

What would King Kong say?

The Empire State Building has gone green! No, not green like the jungle – It’s been LEED Certified by the U.S. Green Building Council. Induron Coatings would like to offer congratulations to all involved parties!

Read more about how one of the most prominent buildings shaping the New York City skyline achieved LEED Gold for Existing Building Certification in Durability + Design.