Category Archives: Induron Values

2023, Induron is Ready

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

2023, Induron is ReadyAs we flip the calendar from 2022 to 2023, I must say that I am optimistic about Induron’s position in our target markets. 2022 was another stressful year in the coatings industry–much like the two preceding years–because of a myriad of supply chain issues ranging from consistently high inflation to shipping delays, and in some extreme cases, ABSOLUTELY NO RAW MATERIAL available.  Continue reading 2023, Induron is Ready

A Tribute to Barry Peters

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

Barry Peters is one of the best “hires” that I have ever made as a manager. For anyone who has ever been responsible for hiring and firing people, that statement says A LOT! 

With a heavy heart, from both a personal and professional side, I would like to wish Barry a healthy, happy and long retirement. I first met Barry back in 1987 in the old Indurall Southside Paint Store located on 24th & 7th Avenue South on a Saturday afternoon. He was working by himself back in the warehouse when my father (owner of the company at the time) and I walked in and made ourselves comfortable behind the counter with a couple of cold Coca-Cola’s. Barry walked back into the retail part of the building to see two unknown faces behind the counter — a place they shouldn’t be. He immediately sized us up and, in his most authoritative voice, asked if he could help us. Knowing we were unrecognized as co-workers, we immediately introduced ourselves and effusively apologized. However, that first impression left an indelible image of someone who has always done-the-right-thing when presented with a surprise or a challenge. Continue reading A Tribute to Barry Peters

Induron Visits Jacksonville State University’s School of Business and Industry

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

As the president and owner of Induron Protective Coatings, I have been involved in expanding our sales and marketing efforts into international markets. In order to enlighten her students about real life international business development, Lenn Rainwater asked me to share my experiences with her class at Jacksonville State University’s School of Business and Industry Continue reading Induron Visits Jacksonville State University’s School of Business and Industry

Enduring Supply Chain Challenges the Induron Way

By: Davies Hood, Induron President 

Supply Chain ChallengesYou’ve probably heard that we’re living in “unprecedented times,” and that overused phrase does NOT exclude the paint manufacturing industry.  

“This is going to be the most challenging time in our professional career.” 

If I’ve said that phrase once in the last month, I’ve said it a hundred times. Because supply chain disruptions are causing significant and immediate price increases as well as challenging, uncharted lead times, those of us in the chemical industry are facing unprecedented challenges due to these unknown and/or undefined constraints.   Continue reading Enduring Supply Chain Challenges the Induron Way

What Coatings Can Be Used to Safeguard Power Plants in the Future?

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

The landscape of electricity generation has been changing for decades. Currently, the mix of power plant types and fuels used in the United States include natural gas (simple cycle and combined cycle), nuclear, coal, petroleum, renewables (wind, hydro, solar, geothermal) and more. Continue reading What Coatings Can Be Used to Safeguard Power Plants in the Future?

The Induron Difference: More Than a Bucket of Paint

As a third-generation, family-owned-and-operated business, relationships are at the core of our business. We have built our reputation on a solid foundation of innovation, value, service, and long-term relationships with our customers. 

Induron President Davies Hood describes the Induron sales approach in this video.  Continue reading The Induron Difference: More Than a Bucket of Paint

Induron Honored as Small Business of the Year Finalist

Last week, Induron was honored as a finalist in the
Business Council of Alabama’s Small Business of the Year Awards. The Small Business of the Year awards highlight, recognize and showcase the best of the best in small businesses across our state.  Continue reading Induron Honored as Small Business of the Year Finalist

Showcasing Product Innovation in a Digital World with Epoxy Modified Mortar

MortarChem epoxy modified mortarInduron’s business is built on family and culture. Which is to say, a business built on relationships. It is who we are. Simon Sinek’s now-famous TED talk encourages us to “start with why” in building our businesses and our lives. Strategy can tell us what we are going to do and how we want to do it, but you’ll never really inspire passion with that strategy without a compelling answer to why you are doing what you do. Teammates, clients, and other partners need to understand your why if they are going to really buy into a strategy that details what you are going to do and how you are going to do it.  Continue reading Showcasing Product Innovation in a Digital World with Epoxy Modified Mortar