Category Archives: Induron Values

Induron Celebrates 70 Years of Providing High-Quality Service and Innovative Products

Induron’s Sales Representatives & Officers in 1953

Third-generation, family-owned Induron Protective Coatings is excited to celebrate 70 years of providing excellent products and high-quality service to its customers! William E. Hood and Louis A. Prosch Jr. started Induron in 1947 under the name The Industrial Paint Manufacturing Company Inc., and it became a protective coatings business based upon the beliefs of honor, integrity and honesty. Continue reading Induron Celebrates 70 Years of Providing High-Quality Service and Innovative Products

We’ve Got Your Back

By: Linc York, Retired Induron Sales Representative

When my wife and I visited the Black Canyon of the Gunnison many years ago, I realized that I had a fear of heights. As I approached a guard rail along the canyon edge to admire it’s incredible depth, I literally stopped in my tracks. I slowly inched the remaining 20 feet, but became extremely uncomfortable.  I did not feel secure or trust the guard rail. Continue reading We’ve Got Your Back

How the Theory of Constraints Impacts Industrial Coatings

By: Andy Odorzynski, Induron Sales Representative

Financial accounting metrics can be both useless and misleading for those of us seeking to make real business decisions. Not the first sentence you expected to read in an article about industrial coatings, right? Well, bear with me, and I’ll explain how Induron helps our clients see the intersection of these two topics. Continue reading How the Theory of Constraints Impacts Industrial Coatings

Pittsburgh Area Water Tank Repaint: Getting Business Done the Old-Fashioned Way

By: George Shannon, Induron Sales Representative

In this fast-paced world of information overload on the internet, everybody is looking for instant answers, new technology, and conducting business without the relationship between vendors, owners, and contractors. Interested in a new product with the latest technology? Look it up on the internet. Download the information and write the specification. No sales person necessary. Need someone in the region to apply the technology? Put out a spec and invite bidders without pedigree. Continue reading Pittsburgh Area Water Tank Repaint: Getting Business Done the Old-Fashioned Way

A Tribute to Linc

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

In his 8 years as an Induron salesman, Linc York not only led by example, but he also routinely inspired the Induron sales team with his wise words and esteemed character.  Before retiring, Linc said his goodbyes to the team and left them with a few tidbits of advice. Here are a few things his colleagues had to say that truly speak to Linc’s character and the influence he had on the Induron team: Continue reading A Tribute to Linc

Protective Coatings in Canada, Eh? (Part One)

By: Ron Bouthillier, Induron Sales Representative

Not unlike many other areas in North America and beyond, Canada has its own challenges in the protective coatings sector. Geographically, Canada has a larger land mass than the U.S., two coastlines, two major mountain chains and a diversity of weather, forestry, mining and shipbuilding in addition to wind energy, oil and gas, and hydroelectric dams. Specifically, humidity, thermal shock, corrosion, UV exposure and fluctuating temperatures cause unique coating challenges. Continue reading Protective Coatings in Canada, Eh? (Part One)

Fair Competition in Coatings

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

I really like competition. I always have. In my time, I have raced cars, bicycles, motorcycles, boats and on foot. I have played tennis, football, baseball, soccer, bridge, hearts, checkers and chess. Competition is fun, exhilarating, challenging and will force you to improve your game. Continue reading Fair Competition in Coatings

Consolidation in the Coatings Industry: Where Does This Leave Induron? (Part 2)

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

Consolidation in the Coatings Industry

I am an outdoorsman. I fish, hunt, hike and love the land. When the Cuyahoga river caught fire in Cleveland and the air in Birmingham was yellow, something had to be done. The EPA was established and Congress, abdicating its responsibilities, gave it the authority to make law. The new laws were called regulations. Without comment on the value of these regulations, when a company is required to reformulate a product with sales in the thousands of gallons, it costs more that the same effort spread over tens of thousands of gallons. Larger companies clearly had an advantage with these regulations. The first 90% of “clean up” of the water and air was relatively easy to do. The EPA is still writing regulations trying to eliminate the next 10% of “pollution” without any regard for a cost/benefit analysis. A further advantage to larger companies. Continue reading Consolidation in the Coatings Industry: Where Does This Leave Induron? (Part 2)

There’s No Second Chance

By: Linc York, Induron Sales Representative

InduronI think all of us like to root for the underdog whether it’s in the boxing ring or on the basketball court. It’s that time of year called March Madness when 68 college basketball teams representing NCAA Division I schools play for the national championship. This tournament began in 1939. The 68 teams are composed of champions from 32 Division I conferences and 36 teams that are selected by an official NCAA selection committee. These teams represent the best of the best and on any given day an underdog can defeat the higher ranked team. There’s no second chance! One loss and your season is finished. Continue reading There’s No Second Chance

Induron Industrial Finishes: A David vs. Goliath Battle

By: David Parnell, Induron National Business & Distribution Manager

Induron Industrial Finishes

These days, the Industrial Finishes marketplace is experiencing a true David versus Goliath battle. The “Big Three” paint companies continue to gobble up the little guys. Customers, however, often seem to run away from these big guys and all their practices and processes. Instead, customers turn to the strong underdog who can get the job done, supply innovative products and form a true relationship with their company.  Continue reading Induron Industrial Finishes: A David vs. Goliath Battle