Category Archives: Project Spotlight

PermaClean 100 Ceramic Epoxy: The Solution for Sardis Water Authority

By: Russell Hicks, Induron Sales Representative

Sardis Water ClarifierRecently, Induron provided materials to help Sardis Water Authority with a much-needed facelift.  For nine years, the water and sewage utilities company located in Clayton, Oklahoma had two finish filters working double duty, and they were beginning to show signs of wear and tear.

Sardis Water had two major problems. First, a new and larger clarifier needed to be built so that the two existing clarifiers could be converted into finish filters. Second, the water system needed a coating solution that could meet several demands. Sardis Water Authority needed the filter back in service quickly due to water usage demands. Additionally, the Sardis Water’s new coating system needed to be applied in a single coat while offering excellent abrasion resistance.

Greg Vaughn of Vaughn Engineering turned to Induron for a solution, and we delivered. Our solution was PermaClean 100 Ceramic Epoxy applied to 10.0 to 15.0 Mils DFT. This product offers absolute minimal undercutting, unrivaled Film Build (NSF approved up to 50 Mils DFT), ultra-low permeability and a non-ablative surface.

Because of PermaClean 100’s fast cure time (72 hours), Vaughn Engineering was able to proceed with rebuilding the aeration filters and returning Sardis Water Authority to service. In the end, Sardis Water Authority received much-needed maintenance on its water filtration system while maintaining its customers’ water demands.

Fighting Graffiti with Indurethane

2015 AG Photo 3 (3)Dick Belliveau, Induron Sales Rep

In 2014, I was contacted by an electric utility company in St. Louis, Missouri. They were having problems with their transmission poles being “tagged” (vandalized with graffiti) by local youth.

The project engineer asked if we had a product that would be easy to clean once “tagged.” We have the perfect product, Induron’s Indurethane AG (Anti-Graffiti), a two component high gloss, clear acrylic polyurethane coating enhanced with excellent anti-graffiti properties. Indurethane allows for easy removal of graffiti and extends the color and gloss retention of base coats. Continue reading Fighting Graffiti with Indurethane

From Space Frontiers to Water Tower Paint

By David Hood, Induron CEO


I remember well the afternoon of Oct. 4, 1957 – it was a big time in my life (and maybe yours too). I was somewhere between Gainsville, GA, and Birmingham, riding in the car with my dad. He had been in Gainsville for the weekend working as a volunteer “corner flagman” at an SCCA amateur sports car race. I was just a 14-year-old kid, amazed at the cars and men (and a few women) who drove them.

On that particular late afternoon, we were listening to the evening news when a strange “beep, beep, beep” sound came over the radio. It was a sound that changed almost everything in my future.

It was Sputnik!

The radio announcer explained that the Russians had launched a rocket that carried a device into orbit around the earth, where it would stay for a very long time with no further “push” and send radio signals until the battery went dead.

I was – and have been ever since – fascinated by all things mechanical. I was also (then and ever since) a red-blooded patriotic American, and I was not going to stand by and do nothing while those Russians were beating us technologically! That night I decided I was going to engineering school. I think many other Americans made the same decision, because, as you know, we developed a far superior and much more sophisticated space program than did anyone else on the world. Continue reading From Space Frontiers to Water Tower Paint

The Pickering Project

by Davies Hood, Executive VP, Induron Coatings

The scope of this project consisted of the repainting of both the interior and exterior of a 300,000 gallon elevated wash water tank as well as two large ground storage clearwells owned by Aqua Pennslyvania in Valley Forge, PA.  The first of the two ground storage tanks was a 2 million gallon clearwell.  Both clearwells are partially buried steel tanks. Continue reading The Pickering Project