Category Archives: T&D industry

Transmission Economics

By: Andy Odorzynski, Induron National Sales Manager

This week it was announced that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued new guidelines on how the power grid must be scaled aggressively to accommodate the demands of the future. This new guidance should ensure funding is available to connect green energy sources, like wind and solar to the grid, thus ensuring that power can be transferred from the regions where it can be efficiently generated to the point of demand.  However, these actions fail to address one major gap in all of our future models of the grid: the decay of what we already have.  Continue reading Transmission Economics

Join us at IEEE PES Convention

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Come visit Induron at the upcoming IEEE PES Convention in Anaheim, California. We will be at booth #5254 and look forward to talking with you regarding the protection of your T&D assets!  Continue reading Join us at IEEE PES Convention

Coatings are NOT a Commodity

By: Andy Odorzynski, Induron National Sales Manager

I spend the vast majority of my time speaking with clients who are preparing to make 6-figure coatings purchases and attempting to weigh their options. It’s common for the people in these buying/specifying roles to seek parity among suppliers–to create an “apples-to-apples” comparison between multiple products/companies. This journey inevitably leads to commodity thinking: the belief that what’s inside the can is all the same, so it doesn’t really matter.  Continue reading Coatings are NOT a Commodity

T&D Corrosion Solutions in South America

By: Ben Rowland, Induron T&D Sales

In October of 2023, I returned to Brazil to see how Induron could help some of the largest power utilities in not only Brazil, but all of South America. With some added stateside support from a former Induron employee, Dick Belliveau, we traveled throughout Brazil to see job sites, meet with engineers and give presentations.  Continue reading T&D Corrosion Solutions in South America

Discovering Global Markets

By: Davies Hood, President of Induron Protective Coatings

Induron International BusinessLast week, I had the privilege of attending and Induron had the honor of sponsoring the “Discover Global Markets” Forum Series when the US-EU SME Workshop stopped in Birmingham, Alabama. The US Commercial Service, Discover Alabama and the Alabama Department of Commerce jointly held this event, which is designed specifically to help small and medium-sized businesses with their exporting programs.  Continue reading Discovering Global Markets

What is going on in the T&D Market?

By: Ben Rowland, Induron T&D Sales

T&DThe T&D market for Induron has seen a lot of activity in recent months. There are increasingly more discussions amongst major utilities regarding the FERC Order that went into effect over a year ago now.  Continue reading What is going on in the T&D Market?

The Best Solution for Anything that is Aged and Galvanized

By: Kendall Smith, T&D Sales Representative

Induraguard 9200Induraguard 9200 is the most cost-effective and long-lasting protective coating for anything that is aged or galvanized. As a high-solids, high-build, single-component, self-priming one-coat solution, Induraguard 9200 is ideal for sealing and preventing rust on weathered galvanized and previously painted structures.  Continue reading The Best Solution for Anything that is Aged and Galvanized

A Proven Solution for an Aging Steel Electrical Grid in New South Wales

By: Ben Rowland, Induron T&D Sales

Queensland TowerElectrical utilities are working hard to fight corrosion on their aging steel infrastructure all around the world. Induron Protective Coatings offers proven protection for weathered galvanized and previously-painted T&D structures at the lowest applied cost per square foot per year with Induraguard 9200, which can be calculated based on experience and proven results Continue reading A Proven Solution for an Aging Steel Electrical Grid in New South Wales

Induron Attends the Marcus Evans Transmission & Distribution Summit

By: Ben Rowland, Induron T&D Sales

Recently, Kendall Smith and I had the opportunity to attend the Marcus Evans Transmission & Distribution Summit held at The Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Summit provides a platform that helps America’s leading transmission and distribution executives evaluate and partner with relevant suppliers and solution providers. 

Continue reading Induron Attends the Marcus Evans Transmission & Distribution Summit

Induron Coatings Around the World: A Proven Solution for an Aging International Grid

By: Ben Rowland, T&D Sales at Induron

International T&D BusinessAs a follow up to a previous blog concerning the aging electrical infrastructure of the U.S., and recent regulatory changes that provide a more proactive pathway to successfully extend the life cycle of this infrastructure, I wanted to draw attention to the same need for a solution abroad.  Continue reading Induron Coatings Around the World: A Proven Solution for an Aging International Grid