Category Archives: T&D industry

Proven Protection at the Lowest Applied Cost

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Asset ManagementIn North America, there are a million steel transmission structures fighting corrosion issues. While several thousand of those are being addressed from a corrosion standpoint, there is still more work to be done. The Induron approach to asset protection is the lowest applied cost per square foot per year, and we can calculate the cost based on experience and proven results.  Continue reading Proven Protection at the Lowest Applied Cost

InduraPlan: Corrosion Protection for T&D Structures

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

At Induron Protective Coatings, we find ourselves traveling across the world to visit electric utilities with T&D corrosion issues at an increasing rate. Thanks to the new age of global marketing, people in faraway places are discovering that Induron offers cost-effective solutions for protecting global T&D assets. Plus, Induron’s sales and technical service team members are certified as NACE coating inspectors and have extensive experience managing asset protection programs. Continue reading InduraPlan: Corrosion Protection for T&D Structures

Building a T&D Asset Protection Program vs. A Project Approach

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager, & Andy Odorzynski, Induron National Sales Manager

In the wake of tragedies like the camp fire in California, and the larger infrastructure crisis looming in the United States, our country’s utilities find themselves at a crossroads: continue to crumble or engage in sustainable asset management. Continue reading Building a T&D Asset Protection Program vs. A Project Approach

All You Need to Know About Stripe Coatings

By: Bill Seawell, Director of Technical Services

A stripe coat is defined as a coat of paint applied only to edges or welds on steel structures before or after a full coat is applied. The stripe coat is intended to give those areas sufficient film build to resist corrosion. Stripe coats also provide extra corrosion protection measures on edges, outside corners, crevices, bolt heads, fasteners, welds and other irregular surfaces. Continue reading All You Need to Know About Stripe Coatings

Project Spotlight: Magdalena River Crossing Transmission Towers

Did you know Induron sells to international markets? Our Latin American representative presented Induron with the opportunity to provide products for this particular project in the coastal Colombian city of Baranquilla. Continue reading Project Spotlight: Magdalena River Crossing Transmission Towers

Ebond 100: The Solution for Rusty, Carbon Steel Structures

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Sales Representative

Twenty-five years ago, I lived near these high-voltage transmission poles in New Hampshire. Back then, they were not a pretty site to drive by. Without the proper coating, the poles were rusting, and OEM paint was peeling off them. Continue reading Ebond 100: The Solution for Rusty, Carbon Steel Structures

T&D Market Knowledge

By: Kendall Smith, Induron T&D Market Manager

Induron Coatings has been a major supplier to the electric utility industry for almost a decade now and employs individuals who have serviced the industry for many more decades. A few of us even go back to the early 1980s when thousands of electric transmission structures were purchased and installed around the country every year. Utility companies were protecting these structures from corrosion with multiple thin coats, which often only lasted 8-10 years.  Continue reading T&D Market Knowledge

Ceramapure PL-90 Ceramic Epoxy: The All-In-One Pipe Lining Solution

Protect your pipes with the “all-in-one” pipe lining solution. With Ceramapure PL-90 Ceramic Epoxy, Induron brings decades of experience and technology to the pipe market that offers an especially unique barrier coating. Continue reading Ceramapure PL-90 Ceramic Epoxy: The All-In-One Pipe Lining Solution

Georgia Power Concrete Poles: Not Your Usual Specification

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Usually, the coatings specifications for T&D structures are predictable. For example, in North America, weathered galvanized, high-voltage, electric transmission poles, towers and substation structures are often protected with sealers and coatings that are surface-tolerant, low stress on aged coatings, easy-to-apply, high-solids, high-build, and proven to protect for 20-25 years in one or two coats. Continue reading Georgia Power Concrete Poles: Not Your Usual Specification

Meet the Induron Family: Sergio Correa

Sergio Correa has been working as an international salesman for Induron since  November 2016. He is responsible for opening the market for Transmission & Distribution and industrial paint in Latin America.  Though he resides in Medellin, Colombia, he is an important part of the Induron family. To get to know him a little better, check out this Q&A: Continue reading Meet the Induron Family: Sergio Correa