Category Archives: Uncategorized

A water tank worthy of a park setting

by Linc York, Induron Coatings Sales Representative for MO, KS, IO & IL 

The Olathe, Kansas 4.5 MG water tank was first brought to my attention about 4 years ago. The tank sits in Black Bob Park in Olathe and some of the younger generation enjoyed pelting it with rocks. The original coating system did not begin with a zinc-rich primer so when the rocks fractured the epoxy/urethane coating it began to corrode and subsequently undercut. The urethane finish coat was also chalked and dull. The city of Olathe was concerned about the corrosion and  the appearance of the tank since many of their rate payers frequented the park. Continue reading A water tank worthy of a park setting

The value of vacation

by Davies Hood, Executive VP, Induron Coatings

It’s getting to be the Dog Days of summer, and vacation seems to be on everyone’s mind. I know this is a crazy topic to address on a paint company blog, but it’s an issue we all face as business owners, managers and employees, regardless of profession.

I say, let vacation time be true vacation time. Take a little time to smell the roses, or better yet, take a little time to truly enjoy your family. Do something that you enjoy and really recharge your batteries. We all need it. Continue reading The value of vacation

MLB players dream of scores as high as ours

by Jeff White, Sales Manager, Induron Coatings

It’s hot, and baseball season is in full swing. Guess what else is hot? Induron’s Perma-Gloss Fluorourethane.

Perma-Gloss knocks it out of the park when compared to the minimum requirements of AWWA D-102-06 for a finish coat on Outside Coating System No. 4 (OCS-4).

OCS-4 minimum requirements (not sure if you can really call it minimum, as it is one of the toughest requirements out there) is 95% gloss retention after a minimum of 1252 MJ/m sq exposed per the EMMAQUA test procedure. Continue reading MLB players dream of scores as high as ours

Zero Defects! The call of the monthly Cycle Count…

David D. Hood, President, Induron Coatings

“Zero Defects!” So proclaimed a huge sign over the entrance to Lockheed Martin‘s production facility in Marietta, GA. It was 1966, and I was a newly minted junior engineer doing structural analysis on the forward bulkhead of the C-5A Galaxy. It seemed pretty obvious that defects in manufacturing an aircraft capable of lifting 800,000 pounds into the air were not well tolerated. Continue reading Zero Defects! The call of the monthly Cycle Count…

Hidden in prep is the danger of peening

by Jeff White, Sales Manager of Field Technical Services, Induron Coatings

Jagged (angular) surface
I would like to highlight a particular point that we at Induron think is of the utmost importance for coatings used in immersion. It’s mentioned in this excellent article written by William Corbett for,  published by Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, InternationalContinue reading Hidden in prep is the danger of peening

Painting the towers of the Midwest

Richard Belliveau, Induron Protective Coatings

One of our clients owns and operates the high voltage electric transmission system in portions of Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota and Illinois. Their widespread system provides a pathway for power into a multitude of communities throughout the States.

With well over 9,500 miles of transmission lines and over 500 electrical substations, maintenance painting stands as a crucial factor in keeping this electrical grid safe, efficient and strong. Continue reading Painting the towers of the Midwest