Category Archives: Uncategorized

Have you Seen us in CoatingsPro Magazine Lately?

Papillion tank 4Recently, Induron was featured in CoatingsPro magazine’s May 2016 issue. The article, “Water Tank Déjà vu: 20 Years Later” discussed a recoating job on a water tank located in Papillion, NE. Family-owned and -operated coatings contractor, J.R. Stelzer, was tasked with removing the Papillion water tank’s existing coating and applying a new coating system. Fortunately, J.R. Stelzer turned to Induron to supply the coatings solution.  Continue reading Have you Seen us in CoatingsPro Magazine Lately?

Story of this Photo: Indurethane 6600 AG

By: Davies Hood, Induron CEO

Indurethane AG 2Not only does this photo feature wet, red paint unsuccessfully attempting to coalesce into a film, but it also illustrates the effectiveness of Induron’s Indurethane 6600 AG graffiti resistant surface!

In this close-up photo, a fresh coat of red paint was applied to a teal-colored test panel of Indurethane AG (Anti-Graffiti). As you can see, the red paint cannot form a film or any chemical bond to the teal surface. If this red paint can’t stick, how could spray-paint, lipstick or magic marker? This lack of adherence is because Indurethane AG provides an ultra-low surface tension, which prevents almost anything from effectively sticking to it!  Continue reading Story of this Photo: Indurethane 6600 AG

AquaClean: The Chemistry Behind the Product

By: John Anspach, Induron Technical Director

AquaCleanTo ensure AquaClean’s performance matches its user-friendly and good-looking finish, many important design traits are formulated into the coating system.

First, AquaClean is formulated to be compliant to the OTC (Ozone Transport Commission) standard for low VOC content.  Complying with OTC allows us to sell AquaClean in most U.S. markets.  Continue reading AquaClean: The Chemistry Behind the Product

AquaClean: User-Friendly, Good-Looking and Long-Lasting

By: Davies Hood, Induron CEO

AquaCleanLike most marketplaces, the industrial coating market becomes more and more competitive each day. Consequently, this competition cultivates an omnipresent sense of “We need to build a better mousetrap.” At Induron, our Research and Development Department is challenged with this exact task. With the help of our suppliers and partners, who consistently bring us the latest and greatest chemical technology, we are equipped with the necessary tools for innovation.    Continue reading AquaClean: User-Friendly, Good-Looking and Long-Lasting

How Induron is like the National Champions in College Basketball

By: Tex Enoch, Induron Sales Representative

Recently, the Villanova Wildcats defeated the University of North Carolina Tarheels to win the NCAA National Championship as an undersized, scrappy, disciplined and determined unit.

Growing up in Philadelphia, I played my share of basketball.  I also grew up watching the Big Five play and loved every minute of it.  LaSalle, St. Joe’s, Temple, Penn and Villanova all had their shot playing the big guys from across the country.  These games were especially fun to watch. Though I opted to go to college in D.C., I continued to keep track of the national successes of these teams.  Continue reading How Induron is like the National Champions in College Basketball

PermaClean 100 Ceramic Epoxy: The Solution for Sardis Water Authority

By: Russell Hicks, Induron Sales Representative

Sardis Water ClarifierRecently, Induron provided materials to help Sardis Water Authority with a much-needed facelift.  For nine years, the water and sewage utilities company located in Clayton, Oklahoma had two finish filters working double duty, and they were beginning to show signs of wear and tear.

Sardis Water had two major problems. First, a new and larger clarifier needed to be built so that the two existing clarifiers could be converted into finish filters. Second, the water system needed a coating solution that could meet several demands. Sardis Water Authority needed the filter back in service quickly due to water usage demands. Additionally, the Sardis Water’s new coating system needed to be applied in a single coat while offering excellent abrasion resistance.

Greg Vaughn of Vaughn Engineering turned to Induron for a solution, and we delivered. Our solution was PermaClean 100 Ceramic Epoxy applied to 10.0 to 15.0 Mils DFT. This product offers absolute minimal undercutting, unrivaled Film Build (NSF approved up to 50 Mils DFT), ultra-low permeability and a non-ablative surface.

Because of PermaClean 100’s fast cure time (72 hours), Vaughn Engineering was able to proceed with rebuilding the aeration filters and returning Sardis Water Authority to service. In the end, Sardis Water Authority received much-needed maintenance on its water filtration system while maintaining its customers’ water demands.

Induron’s PermaClean 100 Ceramic Epoxy: Protecting the Top Water/Utility Systems in the U.S.

By: Ben Rowland, Induron Sales Representative

In its January 2016 issue, Water and Wastes Digest featured Induron’s premium 100% Solids Ceramic Epoxy, PermaClean 100. Specifically, the article highlighted the use of this high-build, NSF Approved Ceramic Epoxy as the standardized potable water tank liner for the Aqua Pennsylvania system, which is one of the leading water suppliers in the United States. The publication  was so impressed by the reference photo we provided for the product that they chose to use as the issue’s cover photo.   Continue reading Induron’s PermaClean 100 Ceramic Epoxy: Protecting the Top Water/Utility Systems in the U.S.

Trust and Teamwork

By Kent Kuehl, Induron Sales Representative

Trust and TeamworkLegendary NFL Coach Vince Lombardi once said, “Mental toughness is essential to success.” Mental toughness, which refers to an individual’s ability to persevere through difficult circumstances and emerge without losing confidence, plays a significant role in achieving one’s goals in health, business and life.

For 69 years, Induron Protective Coatings’ customers have relied on and developed a high level of trust in Induron’s products and employees serving their industry.  As individuals, we strive to be the best at what we do on a daily basis.  We also realize that without the help, trust and support of others, we may fall short of our own personal goals. Continue reading Trust and Teamwork

The Importance of Goals, Part 3

By Kendall Smith, Induron Sales Representative

Aim HigherGoals are very important to a small company like Induron. In our previous two blogs, you can read Linc York’s thoughts on making SMART goals and celebrating successes as well as how goal-setting has fueled Tex Enoch’s career.  Today, I’ll discuss how goal-setting can help your company compete with others.

In my opinion, the key to beating big companies that tend to have rigid goals (quotas) for sales is to aim high and have “the long game” in mind.  Continue reading The Importance of Goals, Part 3

The Importance of Goals, Part 2

By Tex Enoch, Induron Sales Representative

Goal AheadLast week, fellow Induron Sales Representative, Linc York and our President, Davies Hood kicked off the Importance of Goals blog series with a post focusing on making SMART goals and celebrating successes. Check out his blog post here. Today, I’m going to illustrate how setting goals has fueled my career at Induron.

Since starting work at Induron, I’ve changed my goals strategically each year, but my focus remains on market penetration rather than sales.  Continue reading The Importance of Goals, Part 2