Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Importance of Goals, Part 1

By Linc York, Induron Sales Representative and Davies Hood, Induron President

PR SailboatAt Induron, goals are very important. Our President, Davies Hood, sets goals for our company as a whole each year, but he also encourages us to (or requires us to) make our own personal and professional goals.

Davies asked several of us to share our thoughts on goal making for a blog series. I worked hard to achieve my goals in 2015, and I’m honored that Davies asked me to contribute.  Continue reading The Importance of Goals, Part 1

How Induron is Like the National Champions in College Football

football stadiumBy David Hood, Induron President

Just in case you missed it, the University of Alabama (UA) just won the national football championship for the 4th time since Nick Saban became the coach in 2007.

I have never attended UA, but I have been an admirer of its legendary coach Paul “Bear” Bryant for years. I am now equally a fan of Nick Saban and his coaches —not so much for the team’s wins as much as for the way they coach (teach) the young men on their team. Continue reading How Induron is Like the National Champions in College Football

Size Matters

Two different sized Piggy Banks on SeeSawBy Tim LaBorde, Induron Representative and Consultant for Petrochemical Industry   

Many years ago, I attended a sales meeting where a senior manager said one of the silliest things that I’ve ever heard. He said, “You need to go out and sell our new system even if it’s not as good as some others, because customers have been waiting for it and we’re one of the ‘biggest’ paint companies in the U.S.”

Unfortunately, he really did believe this nonsense because of years of internal brainwashing. Even more unfortunate is that customers oftentimes fall into the very same trap of believing bigger suppliers are better. Continue reading Size Matters

Induron Sales Reward Trip, Part I

For all those who were able to attend our fantastic team-building sales reward trip to Puerto Rico, we agree that it was a great experience. But it’s interesting that each of us took something unique from that experience.

Here are some thoughts from a few attendees about what the trip meant to them:

“All sales professionals experience emotional lows and highs, usually daily. When sales goals are not only met but rewarded that goes above being compensated. That’s special. When our team, and our wives, gathered at Gran Melia in Puerto Rico we not only shared ideas and stories, we flew through the jungle on zip lines and swam trough the ocean admiring the beauty of  God’s creations. An additional reward was the sun and warmth of the Caribbean when it was below freezing at home. Sweet!” – Linc York, Sales & Service, MO & IL

Continue reading Induron Sales Reward Trip, Part I

Defining the Best Solutions for Your Rusty Structure

By Kendall Smith

As Induron Protective Coatings becomes more of an international company, it makes sense that we incorporate more and more global standards, guidelines and procedures into our written specifications. One such example of this trend is within the “T&D” coatings industry, or the painting of high-voltage electrical transmission lattice towers, steel poles and substation structures and equipment. Continue reading Defining the Best Solutions for Your Rusty Structure

Selling the Induron Way

By Russell Hicks

Growing up in the Deep South, as a kid I was taught certain key values, such as, “Respect your elders.” It was important to have integrity and being viewed a reliable person was always a good thing.

As I have grown older, looking around at the landscape of today, these values don’t seem to be held with as high regard as they were back in the “good ole days.” Continue reading Selling the Induron Way

Guest Post: You Can’t Rely on Tribal Knowledge

Chuck Gault

When perusing blogs recently, I came across a post by Chuck Gault, a friend of mine and owner of Max Coating, a metal finishing company located in Birmingham. Chuck’s post was all about “tribal knowledge,” which is the information commonly known by certain groups within a company but not always understood by others. Continue reading Guest Post: You Can’t Rely on Tribal Knowledge

Step Away from the Dark Side and “Brand X”

By John Bickel, Induron Sales Rep

I joined the Induron sales team earlier this year, and while I’m still learning about the products I sell, its material makeup and application, this blog will concern itself more with the customers I visit to try and sway over from the dark side. In this case, we’ll call the dark side “Brand X.”  Continue reading Step Away from the Dark Side and “Brand X”