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Giving Thanks

By David Hood, Induron CEO
By David Hood, Induron CEO

Thanksgiving is this week. It is a uniquely American holiday on which we all celebrate the wonderful things the Lord has provided to us and allowed us to experience. A day to give thanks.

Induron (then known as The Industrial Paint Company) was founded 65 years ago by my dad and Louis Prosch, using money from a few businessmen who were what is known today as “angel investors.” The company was created to make a profit for those guys—and it did.

When I joined the company in 1969, I had a vision of converting it to a family business, because I thought that would create the best future for the employees and my family. I had a “10-year plan” to do so, but it took nearly 30 years.

Induron is now, truly, a family company. It was well worth the risk, work and all the energy that it took to get here. Our objective today is to provide reliable protection through innovative coatings. We believe that, when we do so, it will result in a profitable business that will provide value to everyone who is involved.

Before my son, Davies, joined the company, he and I agreed that if we ever came to an impasse that had the potential to make Thanksgiving awkward (i.e., if a disagreement spilled over into family events), one of us would quit. Our family was—and is—more important than the business. He has been here 15 years now, and we have yet to have a “fight.” He is now a full partner in the company and will soon be the majority owner. It is our business to manage and we choose to do so with integrity, respect, reliability and innovation, and all of our fellow employees are fully committed to these same principles.

My family is happy and healthy, and they – along with our family business – are contributing members of our society. What more blessings could a guy ask for? For all this, I am truly thankful!

Is Integrity Dead?

By Linc York, Induron Sales Representative

Ray Leuthauser, left, and Jan Corbett, right. From PaintSquare News

Fortunately, the answer is no.

Unfortunately, however, these days it seems too often that the attitude is, “It’s all about me.” The world is comprised of givers and takers. Integrity – or the lack thereof – is the benchmark of a person’s character. These axioms come to mind when you read this article from PaintSquare News about the integrity and moral character of Ray Leuthauser, who returned more than $300 that was blowing his way while he was driving down the highway. Instead of pocketing his “found” cash, Leuthauser went to what some would consider extreme measures just to return it to its rightful owner – a provider for the homeless.

Needless to say, Ray Leuthauser has strong core values, and his actions inspired his superintendent and his company to do the right thing and give to others in need. Remarkably, the efforts of these good people and their companies resulted in at least doubling what was once almost lost.

Induron’s core values are all about integrity, respect, reliability and innovation. At Induron, we set high standards for our products and personnel. Induron manufactures and sells protective coatings that not only work, but often exceed the customer’s expectations. Like Ray Leuthauser, we make every effort to do the right thing.

We’d like to end by saying a big “Thank You” to Ray Leuthauser and wishing all the success in the world to the Peter & Paul Community Service Organization, located in St.Louis, MO.

Innovative Coating Protecting Our Service Members

By Jeff White, Induron Sales Manager

Coatings technologies turn up in some pretty amazing places, including in applications to protect our military. The newest innovation is in camouflage face paint. Every soldier has used it, from the government-issue sticks that felt like sandpaper on your face to the easier-on-your-skin “camo compact” that looks like your wife’s makeup kit – only in browns, black and greens.

Now researchers at the University of Southern Mississippi have developed a face paint that provides protection from intense bursts of heat – a situation that often faces our service members when they’re in the vicinity of an IED detonation. This technology looks like a big step towards protecting our service members from future burns from IED explosions. Additionally, it has applications for another group of heroes – firefighters and emergency responders. Continue reading Innovative Coating Protecting Our Service Members

Join us TODAY at the Annual Gas Operations School of the Northeast Gas Association

If you’re in the Rhode Island or New England Natural Gas industry, come join us TODAY at Bryant University in Smithfield at the Annual Gas Operations School of the Northeast Gas Association (NGA). We are exhibiting with one of the Warrior 100 “Certified Applicators,” and would love to share some information with you about our revolutionary Warrior 100, which offers Tough Protection. We’d also like to share a few Clams with ya…. It’s a clam bake!

Turning Back Time with America’s Pastime

By Jeff White, Induron Sales Manager

Here at Induron, we are huge baseball fans and very patriotic. Yesterday was Memorial Day, when we honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. And tomorrow is another Birmingham event that will honor The Greatest Generation through a baseball game.

The Rickwood Classic is an annual event played in the oldest active baseball stadium in the country – Rickwood Field. Each year, the clock is turned back to the Golden age of baseball to honor the history of the game. The theme this year is from the WWII era. The Birmingham Barons and the Chattanooga Lookouts will don the uniforms of Army and Navy in honor of those who served.

Induron had an opportunity to donate paint to the stadium to ensure it looked its best for the big event. I’m glad we could participate in a small way.

I think a quote by Napoleon most aptly describes those of the WWII generation: “Victory belongs to the most persevering.”  Thank you to all who have served and are serving our country for your sacrifice.

Play Ball and Go Army!!

How to Specify the Best Possible Tower Paint

by Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

You know you need a really great and unique coating. The coating  has to be applied by guys who have climbed to the top of your high-voltage electric transmission towers, which may even be energized, and perform surface preparation and coatings application while climbing the structure (very high degree of difficulty and dangerous).

Since SSPC-SP2 Hand Tool Cleaning is often the only practical and cost-effective method of surface preparation, your coating must have excellent surface wetting and penetration of rusted substrates and good adhesion to galvanized steel, as well as rusty carbon steel. Continue reading How to Specify the Best Possible Tower Paint

Water Storage: The Next Generation

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive Vice President

This article in Water Efficiency discusses many of the exciting new technologies available to the water market to reduce lifetime expenses associated with potable water storage – including Induron’s own innovation, PermaClean 100 Ceramic Epoxy. This product is VOC- and HAP-free, builds unparalleled film thickness for edge protection, has ultra-low permeability and is self-healing in the rare occurrence of a corrosion cell. Looks like we’re already part of the next generation!