Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cezanne, Van Gogh or Monet?

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive VP

If you happen to own a painting by one of the Modern Masters Cezanne, Van Gogh or Monet, and are looking for some interior flat latex house paint for your own personal art gallery, here’s your lead – check out Durability + Design’s article about a new paint collaboration between the Guggenheim museum and Fine Paints of Europe. These colors will also work if you happen to live inside a house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. It’s fun to dream isn’t it?



By Davies Hood, Induron Executive VP

I’ve said it here before and have discussed it at length with co-workers, clients and friends in the business – the Specification is the single-most important component of a quality coating or lining project. I know that might sound strange coming from a paint manufacturer, but the truth is when the jobs’ parameters – including workmanship, quality of materials and time standards – are clearly laid out at the beginning of a project, the chance for success is immeasurably better.  Continue reading Specifications

Herculean Conservation Project

The ancient city of Herculaneum

Were the ancient Romans the spiritual inspiration behind the modern-day environmental engineer?

I can’t say for certain, but you do read some interesting facts about all of those ancient aqueducts and their vital role in the development of civilization. A potentially equally important Roman development that dealt with water transportation was the sewer system.  Continue reading Herculean Conservation Project

Baseball – and Induron’s Perma-Gloss – are Hot Right Now!

By Jeff White, Induron Sales Manager

It’s September, and the baseball pennant races are in full swing. The action for the playoffs is hot. Guess what else is hot – Induron’s Perma-Gloss Fluorourethane!

Perma-Gloss knocks it out of the park when compared to the minimum requirements of AWWA D-102-06 for a finish coat on Outside Coating System No. 4. OCS-4 minimum requirements (not sure if you can really call it minimum as it is one of the toughest requirements out there) is 95% gloss retention after a minimum of 1252 MJ/m sq exposed per the EMMAQUA test procedure. Continue reading Baseball – and Induron’s Perma-Gloss – are Hot Right Now!

A Protected Canvas

by Davies Hood, Executive VP, Induron Coatings

The Birmingham News recently ran an editorial entitled “’Art’ is not beauty when it is splashed across someone else’s canvas.”

This article addresses the respect of private property and other people’s rights with regard to what is widely considered a good, grassroots message. You see, a local group of “artists” has taken it upon themselves to “tag” several different structures throughout the greater Birmingham area with the statement “You Are Beautiful.” The intention behind this message is to remind each of us that we are beautiful in some regard and that even though times are tough, each of us has value. This message in and of itself is a message that should be sung from the mountaintops. However, the artists recently spilled paint on cars near a “tagged” apartment building. The cost to remove the paint from this private property was approximately $4,000.  Continue reading A Protected Canvas

The Pickering Project

by Davies Hood, Executive VP, Induron Coatings

The scope of this project consisted of the repainting of both the interior and exterior of a 300,000 gallon elevated wash water tank as well as two large ground storage clearwells owned by Aqua Pennslyvania in Valley Forge, PA.  The first of the two ground storage tanks was a 2 million gallon clearwell.  Both clearwells are partially buried steel tanks. Continue reading The Pickering Project

Another great use for paint

by Davies Hood, Executive VP, Induron Coatings

Murals are used for several reasons.  Often times they’re used to beautify a building, advertise a company or product, unify a community or convey a message. A recent article (attached in the link) in Durability + Design presents a new aquatic life mural in Clearwater Beach, Florida that provides all of the above.

Painted by the famous artist Guy Harvey, who is known for both his elaborate fishing t-shirts and efforts to promote marine conservation, this huge mural covers the side of a Surf Style retail store and an adorning parking deck. It promotes Clearwater Beach’s and Surf Style’s greatest asset, the beautiful Florida coastline. As a fan of the beach, Guy Harvey and paint (odd combo I know), I thought this mural blog worthy.

The article also reminded me of a local mural here in Birmingham, Alabama that also provides many of the same features and benefits. Located on the side of the Birmingham police headquarters is roughly a 150 by 50 foot mural painted with Induron paint. I am particularly proud of this picture of several children of different races walking hand-in-hand above the Birmingham Pledge. In a city known for tumultuous race relations and confrontations, the Birmingham Pledge and this mural in particular promote a new, kinder mindset by asking all citizens to commit to treating everyone with dignity and respect.

In that regard, Clearwater Beach, Guy Harvey and the Birmingham, Alabama PD, all share something in common; MURALS!

Haste makes waste!

by Davies Hood, Executive VP, Induron Coatings

I remember repeating that phrase vividly while taking 3rd grade “timed tests”, answering those tricky multiple choice questions on college exams and walking to the line of scrimmage every time our quarterback ever said “on two” in the huddle. At Induron Coatings we stress it during all product R &D. The salesmen want to push product to market, but all of the kinks must be worked out and performance testing completed. It’s a message we stress up and down the operations line from pigment addition in production to final color tinting before shipment. “Do it right the first time” because you don’t always get a “do over.”

Continue reading Haste makes waste!