Category Archives: Wastewater Industry

True Investment in Infrastructure – It’s Worth the Effort

By Davies Hood, Induron President

As we approach the November elections in our politically-charged atmosphere, we’ve been hearing a lot about “investing in infrastructure” from one side and “debt reduction” from the other. In this article from Water & Waste Digest magazine, Benjamin Grumbles makes some suggestions that those in power should at least consider.

Although Mr. Grumbles speaks as the president of the Clean Water America Alliance (and when I hear that, I immediately think both “bureaucracy” and “lobbyist”), he writes in favor of such radical ideas as charging customers the true cost of water, promoting public/private partnerships in the water industry, and planning both water and wastewater infrastructure projects as part of the larger integrated community planning process. Not too radical when you think about it, right? Continue reading True Investment in Infrastructure – It’s Worth the Effort

My Knowledge, Your Knowledge

By Ben Rowland, Induron Sales Rep, Birmingham, AL

As an Induron sales rep, I spend a lot of time honing my knowledge of the industry. Whether I’m attending a continuing education course, getting re-certified in a particular aspect of the industry or working with our Induron chemists to ensure I’m up to date on the latest and greatest products we offer, staying informed on every aspect of the world of coatings is vital to our business… and YOUR success.

I’m not just selling you a product. When you work with Induron, I want to make sure you’re getting the best, most accurate information available to accompany that product. That’s why I stay up to date on new products, new methods of coating, new applications, new industry standards and more. That knowledge helps me better meet my customers’ needs.

When I start a project, I assess the needs of the customer and the specific project. I have to make sure that I’m giving everyone the best information available, and that I’m doing so in a way that has everyone on the same page before a project begins.

When a project gets underway, I make multiple job site visits, answer questions from the owner or engineer, inspect the project, facilitate product orders with the contractor – anything that needs to be done to ensure the project goes smoothly.

Then, during the final inspection, I’m able to certify the finished project, thanks to staying up to date on my certifications through continuing education courses. Continue reading My Knowledge, Your Knowledge

65 Years: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive VP, Birmingham, AL

Induron celebrates our 65th anniversary this year. I am beyond proud of this incredible professional AND personal landmark.

Reaching the 65-year mark makes me proud personally because of the success of my predecessors. That’s obviously my dad and granddad, but this anniversary is even more a testament to the management team and staff that’s worked here over the years. From the production crew and sales team, to the chemists, warehouse guys and store workers over the years, there’s a lot to be proud of.

  • In 1947, when our country was much smaller in population, there were many more paint manufacturers. Several existed in Alabama, and there were several in every major city in the country. Like many things, there’s been consolidation over the years. Even in my 15 years with Induron, I’ve seen significantly fewer small- to medium-size paint manufacturers nationwide.
  • Induron has stood the test of time because we’ve been flexible enough to adapt our business model to reflect current and changing tastes, but we’ve also consistently run our business with integrity. We treat our customers, employees and suppliers with integrity by doing what we say we’re going to do. We treat everyone with respect, because that’s what we believe in. Continue reading 65 Years: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Too Many Zeros

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive Vice President

Today’s economy is tough. Money is hard to come by in both the public and private sectors. And while you and I are trying to make ends meet and ride out the economic storm, the politicians in Washington are gearing up for “another” election cycle that seems to be another excuse for inaction.

All the while, our nation’s aging water infrastructure – much of which was installed at the turn of the 20th century – continues to deteriorate. But there’s an article entitled “Water Infrastructure Could Burden U.S. Economy, Report Claims” in the January 2012 issue of WaterWorld that puts the cold hard numbers to repair cost. Continue reading Too Many Zeros

Induron: Keeping You From Looking like a Dummy

By David Hood, Induron CEO

By David Hood, Induron CEO

Nobody likes to look like an dummy. Especially you.

Now, Induron can’t keep you from looking like an dummy if you install a ceiling fan and forget to cut off the electricity at the breaker box.  Or if you try your wife’s yoga class.  Or if you dress up like the back end of a horse for Halloween.

But we CAN help prevent it if you work with us on a project. Let me explain.

When we say that we’re with you before, during and after a project, we don’t just mean that we’re standing there, hovering over you, watching you work (because that would be strange). We mean that our sales reps want to ensure that the owner of the project is pleased. Continue reading Induron: Keeping You From Looking like a Dummy

Shocking Sewage Statistics (and unrelenting puns)

By Davies Hood, Induron Executive Vice President

Most anything can be proven using statistics. I recently ran across a couple of quotes that essentially say just that:

“Be able to analyze statistics, which can be used to support or undercut almost any argument.”  Marilyn vos Savant

“I can prove anything by statistics except the truth.” George Canning


“Anything people put in quotes and include on Facebook is automatically taken as the gospel truth.” George Washington (it’s possible that I just made that one up)

I was startled recently by a few statistics that were used in Ted J. Rulseh’s letter from the editor in the January edition of Municipal Sewer & Water titled “Second Rate?”

Rulseh brings up the fact that, “Every year, sewer overflows contaminate U.S. waters with 860 BILLION gallons of untreated sewage, an amount that could fill 1.3 million Olympic-size swimming pools Continue reading Shocking Sewage Statistics (and unrelenting puns)

We ‘Spec It’s Time to Save Some Money

By Linc York, Induron Sales Representative

You’ve got a project. You’re creating a specification. Induron wants to be part of that spec, and we’ll almost always save you or your client money and make your project easier.

It’s that simple.

At Induron, we do more than just manufacture protective coatings. We are dead serious about building relationships (our boss Davies wrote about this in a previous blog post) that can turn into real, tangible savings for you and your client. So, how can a spec save you money or even make your project easier? Continue reading We ‘Spec It’s Time to Save Some Money

Can an Epoxy Coating Ever Work TOO Well? (Believe it or not, Gary Bath says “yes!”)

By Gary Bath, Induron Sales Representative

PermaSafe 100 is one of Induron’s most popular, toughest products for protecting waste water treatment plants, but I’ve been asked to share with you a specific example of when PermaSafe 100 proved to be almost too tough for comfort!

I recently worked with a contractor who applied it on a water treatment plant, and while it was approved and looked good, the owners decided that it needed to be removed because it was a different product than was originally specified. They wanted to use a different generic polyurea, rather than an epoxy, Continue reading Can an Epoxy Coating Ever Work TOO Well? (Believe it or not, Gary Bath says “yes!”)

The Pickering Project

by Davies Hood, Executive VP, Induron Coatings

The scope of this project consisted of the repainting of both the interior and exterior of a 300,000 gallon elevated wash water tank as well as two large ground storage clearwells owned by Aqua Pennslyvania in Valley Forge, PA.  The first of the two ground storage tanks was a 2 million gallon clearwell.  Both clearwells are partially buried steel tanks. Continue reading The Pickering Project

The high points of repainting water storage tanks

 by Davies Hood, Executive VP, Induron Coatings

Helping engineers, owners and contractors develop specifications for repainting water storage tanks is a big part of the service we offer here at Induron Coatings. In this month’s MP Materials Performance, a NACE publication, there is an excellent article by Robert Boswell Continue reading The high points of repainting water storage tanks