Category Archives: Water

100-year-old water tanks still sharing sweet H2O

Steel water tanks; the longtime standard of our nation’s drinking water storage and oftentimes a community’s landmark structure; announcing the town name or even showing off local high school mascots. When these structures are properly designed and maintained, they can and have provided a service life in excess of 100 years. Continue reading 100-year-old water tanks still sharing sweet H2O

The future is uncertain, but we know we’ll all be thirsty!

Here’s a terrific article in Water World magazine on our nation’s water infrastructure.  And it’s got me thinking…

As our nation tries to pull itself out of “the worst economy since the Great Depression” in the midst of spiraling national debt that I believe will eventually cripple us, the AWWA (American Water Works Association) seems to have come up with a long-term solution that will help our economy.  Continue reading The future is uncertain, but we know we’ll all be thirsty!