Join us at IEEE PES Convention

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Come visit Induron at the upcoming IEEE PES Convention in Anaheim, California. We will be at booth #5254 and look forward to talking with you regarding the protection of your T&D assets! 

Corrosion is the problem

Corrosion is a constant problem for most industries, and the electric utility industry is no exception. Thousands of high-voltage lattice towers, mono-poles, substations, and substation equipment need attention right now.  Let us help you build an asset protection program, and prevent your T&D assets from deteriorating to the point when those assets lose structural strength, and replacement becomes your only option.

Induron has a solution

Our protective coatings solutions cost a fraction of replacement and can extend the useful life of your assets indefinitely. We have coated structures that are now over 100 years old, which have no section loss because they have been properly protected from corrosion through all those decades. 

Induron Protective Coatings has protected thousands of T&D structures, participated in all the committees pertaining to T&D corrosion and attended just about every show related to this endeavor. What does this mean? That we have the right products, expertise and the experience to provide extreme asset protection and extend the life of your Electric Transmission and Distribution assets.

We can help you evaluate your T&D system by assigning grades to the corrosiveness of your environment and rating the degree of corrosion on each structure. With this information, you can determine how much “window of opportunity” you have left to protect these structures the most cost effectively! And who doesn’t love cutting costs? We look forward to meeting you in Anaheim!

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