Meet the Induron Family: Lance Murphy

Lance Murphy works in Induron’s paint maker canning room as a valued member of Induron’s production team. When Mike Nelms, Induron’s production manager, recognized Lance’s exemplary work ethic, he knew he’d make an excellent addition to Induron’s team.

“Lance has brought the same work ethic, willingness to learn, attitude and energy to Induron that originally caught my attention at his previous job and caused me to approach him about coming to work at Induron. He has been a great addition to the team,” Nelms said.

As a hard-working, team-oriented individual, we’re proud to have him as a part of our Induron family and thought it would be nice to get to know him a little better. To learn more about Lance, check out the Q&A with him below!

Q: What are your responsibilities?

A: Filling paint and sometimes Protecto 401.

Q: Tell us about your background and how you came to work for Induron?

A: I’m a family man with 4 kids. I have worked hard at every job, which paid off when Mike (Induron’s Production Manager) saw me working and offered me an opportunity to work at Induron.

Q: What’s your favorite part about what you do?

A: The satisfaction of knowing I did a good job.

Q: Tell us about a project you’ve worked on that you’re especially proud of.

A: Building my family.

Q: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

A: Don’t let anyone make you think you can’t do something.

Q: If you could have dinner with any person living or dead, who would it be and why?

A: My mother because she is gone and there are more things I wish I could say to her.

Q: What person has had the biggest influence on your life and why?

A: My mother, she taught me right and wrong and gave me great morals and integrity.

 Q: What is your favorite quote?

A: “Great things in business are never done by one person.  They are done by a team of people.”

 Q: Tell us a little about your family, pets and/or hobbies.

A: I’m married with 4 kids, and my favorite hobby is fishing.

Q: Where is your favorite place to be?

A: Beach.

Q: If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?

A: Fighter pilot.



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