by Jeff White, Sales Manager, Induron Coatings
It’s hot, and baseball season is in full swing. Guess what else is hot? Induron’s Perma-Gloss Fluorourethane.
Perma-Gloss knocks it out of the park when compared to the minimum requirements of AWWA D-102-06 for a finish coat on Outside Coating System No. 4 (OCS-4).
OCS-4 minimum requirements (not sure if you can really call it minimum, as it is one of the toughest requirements out there) is 95% gloss retention after a minimum of 1252 MJ/m sq exposed per the EMMAQUA test procedure.
What is EMMAQUA? Think exposure in the hot Arizona desert with specialized mirrors directing the light on the test panels for a long time. Think intense.
Induron’s Perma-Gloss almost accomplished the impossible with an average score of 98.67% gloss retention with no test panels returning rates below 98% gloss retention.
Don’t you wish your favorite Major League Baseball team could achieve a batting average of .9867? If they could, you would have a guaranteed winner in October’s pennant race.
Don’t wait until the World Series to pick a winner. When you specify Induron’s Perma-Gloss for your projects that need long-term exterior durability, you have a winner for years to come.