Tag Archives: coatings

A Cone-Top Canvas in Deep Ellum

By: Paul Powers, Induron Sales Representative

Continental Gin Company Cone-Top Water Tower PaintingWhat happens when Goldman Global Arts, TankSpek, Corp., MyPerfectColor, and Induron Coatings collaborate? A pretty epic cone-top water tower restoration project for Westdale Management. Here’s how it all happened… Continue reading A Cone-Top Canvas in Deep Ellum

A Ceramic Epoxy Coating that Works TOO WELL

PermaSafe 100 Ceramic Epoxy is a unique and outstanding barrier coating formulated for the protection of steel and concrete in corrosive environments. It’s one of our most popular products and one of the toughest products for protecting wastewater treatment plants. Believe it or not, we’ve actually been told that PermaSafe 100, works TOO WELL.  Continue reading A Ceramic Epoxy Coating that Works TOO WELL

Induron Visits Jacksonville State University’s School of Business and Industry

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

As the president and owner of Induron Protective Coatings, I have been involved in expanding our sales and marketing efforts into international markets. In order to enlighten her students about real life international business development, Lenn Rainwater asked me to share my experiences with her class at Jacksonville State University’s School of Business and Industry Continue reading Induron Visits Jacksonville State University’s School of Business and Industry

Induron Goes International

By: Davies Hood (Induron President) and Kendall Smith (Induron Power Market Manager)

Induron Goes InternationalThe year 2020 ushered in several new changes. As a result of the global pandemic, we all became familiar with the terms and isolating effects of “social distancing,” “safer at home” and “quarantine.” However, we also became much more comfortable with “Zoom Meetings,” “virtual happy hours” and other forms of electronic and virtual gatherings. As much as I am looking forward to in-person meetings, good ol’ trade shows and professional conferences, I would like to comment on some of the electronic advances that some in the industry, including Induron Coatings, took advantage of during the year of “Stay-at-Home.” Continue reading Induron Goes International

Mortarchem: Improving Applicator Outcomes in the Field

By: Andy Odorzynski, Induron National Sales Manager

MortarchemWhen visiting field industrial painting projects, the complexity on display is truly amazing. First off, millions of dollars worth of equipment has to operate in coordination to allow work to progress. If any part in any one piece of the system fails to operate, production comes to a stop. In the field, replacement parts, tools, and mechanics can be extremely hard to come by.  Continue reading Mortarchem: Improving Applicator Outcomes in the Field

Enduring Supply Chain Challenges the Induron Way

By: Davies Hood, Induron President 

Supply Chain ChallengesYou’ve probably heard that we’re living in “unprecedented times,” and that overused phrase does NOT exclude the paint manufacturing industry.  

“This is going to be the most challenging time in our professional career.” 

If I’ve said that phrase once in the last month, I’ve said it a hundred times. Because supply chain disruptions are causing significant and immediate price increases as well as challenging, uncharted lead times, those of us in the chemical industry are facing unprecedented challenges due to these unknown and/or undefined constraints.   Continue reading Enduring Supply Chain Challenges the Induron Way

How is Paint Manufacturing Like Baking a Cake?

How is paint manufacturing like baking a cake? While it seems like a silly question, baking a cake is a simple, and tasty, analogy to explain the paint manufacturing process. Induron President Davies Hood explains how the two processes are similar in this video.  Continue reading How is Paint Manufacturing Like Baking a Cake?

Does Galvanized Steel Corrode?

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

Yes, galvanized steel does corrode. In fact, there are a million steel transmission structures fighting corrosion issues in North America and nearly 20 percent of the world’s steel production supports replacing steel structures and equipment that has been damaged by corrosion. Continue reading Does Galvanized Steel Corrode?