Tag Archives: davies hood

What to Know About Indurlux 9400

By: David Parnell, Induron Industrial Finishes National Business & Distribution Manager

Epoxy Siloxane technology was introduced to the industry in the early 1990s, and has since gone through many changes to become what it is today. Induron has recently developed a world-class, high-gloss and tint-able Epoxy PolySiloxane Coating that we like to call Indurlux 9400. Continue reading What to Know About Indurlux 9400

How the Theory of Constraints Impacts Industrial Coatings

By: Andy Odorzynski, Induron Sales Representative

Financial accounting metrics can be both useless and misleading for those of us seeking to make real business decisions. Not the first sentence you expected to read in an article about industrial coatings, right? Well, bear with me, and I’ll explain how Induron helps our clients see the intersection of these two topics. Continue reading How the Theory of Constraints Impacts Industrial Coatings

Induron Launches New Premium Product

Induron is excited to announce the launch of its newest product, Indurethane Monarch HS. This extremely high-gloss urethane technology combines durability and color retention in a high-gloss and high distinction of image finish that is unrivaled in the market. Indurethane Monarch HS is formulated to help increase productivity with easy-to-apply applications and fast dry speed. Continue reading Induron Launches New Premium Product

Pittsburgh Area Water Tank Repaint: Getting Business Done the Old-Fashioned Way

By: George Shannon, Induron Sales Representative

In this fast-paced world of information overload on the internet, everybody is looking for instant answers, new technology, and conducting business without the relationship between vendors, owners, and contractors. Interested in a new product with the latest technology? Look it up on the internet. Download the information and write the specification. No sales person necessary. Need someone in the region to apply the technology? Put out a spec and invite bidders without pedigree. Continue reading Pittsburgh Area Water Tank Repaint: Getting Business Done the Old-Fashioned Way

Induron Salesman Shares Insight with WaterTalk

Induron Water Tank Market Manager, Tex Enoch, began working in the paint manufacturing and coatings industry in 1969. Since then, he has witnessed countless changes in the coatings that protect steel water tanks. At this year’s ACE conference, Tex shared some of his industry insights on WaterTalk radio. Continue reading Induron Salesman Shares Insight with WaterTalk

A Tribute to Linc

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

In his 8 years as an Induron salesman, Linc York not only led by example, but he also routinely inspired the Induron sales team with his wise words and esteemed character.  Before retiring, Linc said his goodbyes to the team and left them with a few tidbits of advice. Here are a few things his colleagues had to say that truly speak to Linc’s character and the influence he had on the Induron team: Continue reading A Tribute to Linc

A Letter from Linc

By: Linc York, Induron Sales Representative

March 2, 2009 was my first day on the job for Induron Protective Coatings. Little did I know just how good it would be to be a part of the Induron team. Of my 46-year career, my time with Induron has been the most enjoyable and professionally satisfying. Continue reading A Letter from Linc

Protective Coatings in Canada, Eh? (Part Two)

By: Ron Bouthillier, Induron Sales Representative

As discussed in my previous blog, Canada faces many challenges in the protective coatings sector that directly affect many different companies. For example, Potash Corp is headquartered in the province of Saskatchewan. Potash mining is a serious venue in Saskatchewan and a lot of equipment is used in the extraction and processing of Potash. Corrosion along with erosion is prevalent in this industry, and the damage that can be done is extensive and expensive.  Likewise, in the community of Trail, British Columbia, Teck Cominco smelters lead and zinc. This is another very corrosive environment that can see a concrete floor destroyed in a short period of time due to the acids used in processes. Continue reading Protective Coatings in Canada, Eh? (Part Two)

Protective Coatings in Canada, Eh? (Part One)

By: Ron Bouthillier, Induron Sales Representative

Not unlike many other areas in North America and beyond, Canada has its own challenges in the protective coatings sector. Geographically, Canada has a larger land mass than the U.S., two coastlines, two major mountain chains and a diversity of weather, forestry, mining and shipbuilding in addition to wind energy, oil and gas, and hydroelectric dams. Specifically, humidity, thermal shock, corrosion, UV exposure and fluctuating temperatures cause unique coating challenges. Continue reading Protective Coatings in Canada, Eh? (Part One)

Induron Products Rehabilitate Fort Payne Potable Water Storage Tank

By: Ben Rowland, Induron Sales Representative

Recently, the Fort Payne Water System, located in Fort Payne, Alabama, rehabilitated its 6,000,000-gallon potable water storage tank. Working with Paul Nail of Fort Payne Water and Curt and Trey O’Daniel of Greenhill Engineering, Induron helped assess the condition of the tank and made coatings recommendations accordingly. Continue reading Induron Products Rehabilitate Fort Payne Potable Water Storage Tank