Tag Archives: davies hood

Induron and ACE 2017

By: Tex Enoch, Water Tank Market Manager

With less than a month before the commencement of the National Water Works Annual Convention in Philadelphia, Induron is galvanizing its resources to make it a memorable meeting internally and for our customers from around the country.  ACE 2017 offers a small company like Induron, the opportunity to corporately thank our customers that lie outside the normal limits of our local base of operations. Continue reading Induron and ACE 2017

Induron to Attend the AWWA’s Annual Conference & Exposition

The Induron team is excited to yet again attend the American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE) occurring June 11-14 at the Pennsylvania Conference Center in Philadelphia. We look forward to not only sharing what differentiates our products and makes them the ideal solution for various projects, but also learning from and networking with others in the industry. One product we’re especially excited to promote is our Ceramapure PL-90 Ceramic Epoxy, which we like to call the “all-in-one” pipe lining solution.

Learn more about Ceramapure PL-90 in the article below published in last year’s Water Industry News, visit Induron at Booth #2014 at ACE’17, OR contact a local sales rep for more information about our products! Continue reading Induron to Attend the AWWA’s Annual Conference & Exposition

Meet the Newest Member of Our Team: Ron Bouthillier

We’re excited to welcome Ron Bouthillier to the Induron team! As our newest salesman from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Ron will focus on expanding both the Industrial Finishes and the oil and gas markets for Induron in Canada. Though Induron is not a recognized name in Canada right now, Ron is eager to support this new venture and promote Induron products in this territory. To learn a little more about Ron, check out this Q&A. Continue reading Meet the Newest Member of Our Team: Ron Bouthillier

Consolidation in the Coatings Industry: Where Does This Leave Induron? (Part 2)

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

Consolidation in the Coatings Industry

I am an outdoorsman. I fish, hunt, hike and love the land. When the Cuyahoga river caught fire in Cleveland and the air in Birmingham was yellow, something had to be done. The EPA was established and Congress, abdicating its responsibilities, gave it the authority to make law. The new laws were called regulations. Without comment on the value of these regulations, when a company is required to reformulate a product with sales in the thousands of gallons, it costs more that the same effort spread over tens of thousands of gallons. Larger companies clearly had an advantage with these regulations. The first 90% of “clean up” of the water and air was relatively easy to do. The EPA is still writing regulations trying to eliminate the next 10% of “pollution” without any regard for a cost/benefit analysis. A further advantage to larger companies. Continue reading Consolidation in the Coatings Industry: Where Does This Leave Induron? (Part 2)

Consolidation in the Coatings Industry: Where Did All My Peers Go? (Part 1)

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

where did all my peers go?Where did all my peers go? When I joined the coatings industry in 1969, there were more than 1,100 U.S. paint manufacturers. Industry meetings were big, and I met and got to know a lot of guys and a few women who owned and operated paint companies not too different from Induron. They were all over the U.S. and Canada. Over time, most of their companies were sold to larger companies (the lucky or smart ones), went bankrupt or just dissolved. My guess is that there are no more than 100 coatings manufacturers left in North America large enough to be a factor in any market. Continue reading Consolidation in the Coatings Industry: Where Did All My Peers Go? (Part 1)

Induron Sales Strategy Meeting: Good People with Great Ideas

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

Last week I had the opportunity to host a small group of Induron’s Sales Team at our corporate Headquarters here in Birmingham, AL. What started out as an opportunity for a couple of our sales team members to attend the Sales Bootcamp at Samford University’s Brock School of Business evolved into a two-day meeting complete with product application demonstrations, new Market Presentations (including one by a key customer!), good southern BBQ, a Sales Team Strategy meeting that included a SWOT analysis and a homemade dinner on the back porch of our EVP’s house. I considered the entire meeting a 10 out of 10 in terms of quality of time spent between sales training, hands-on product demonstration, long-term strategy and good ol’ fashioned fun (team building). I wasn’t the only one who thought the meeting was a success and time well spent. Our key customer who presented to the team even asked for some of the Saw’s BBQ Sauce to be included with his next paint shipment! See a few other comments below from some of the attendees:
Continue reading Induron Sales Strategy Meeting: Good People with Great Ideas

Five-Year Anniversary Inspection on PA American Tank

By: Tex Enoch, Induron Sales Representative

In 2011, Pennsylvania American Water Company put a number of tanks out for repainting work.  Among them were two 1,000,000-gallon standpipes located in Berwick, PA. These tanks were last painted in the late 1980s and were in desperate need of refurbishment. They had an exterior urethane system and an interior epoxy system. The original paint was supplied by Pennsbury Coatings Corporation. Continue reading Five-Year Anniversary Inspection on PA American Tank

There’s No Second Chance

By: Linc York, Induron Sales Representative

InduronI think all of us like to root for the underdog whether it’s in the boxing ring or on the basketball court. It’s that time of year called March Madness when 68 college basketball teams representing NCAA Division I schools play for the national championship. This tournament began in 1939. The 68 teams are composed of champions from 32 Division I conferences and 36 teams that are selected by an official NCAA selection committee. These teams represent the best of the best and on any given day an underdog can defeat the higher ranked team. There’s no second chance! One loss and your season is finished. Continue reading There’s No Second Chance

Have you seen Induron in Forbes Lately?

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

Stand out from competitionIn case you haven’t heard, my dad (AKA Induron CEO David Hood’s) story about the REAL Santa Claus in Birmingham’s history is getting around. In fact, Forbes contributor Larry Myler, recently mentioned this particular Induron blog in his article, 7 Ways To Make Your Business Stand Out In A Crowd Of Competitors. Continue reading Have you seen Induron in Forbes Lately?

Induron Paints Restore Colonial Chemical Solutions Warehouse

By: Carl Moye, Induron Sales Representative

After a recent acquisition, Colonial Chemical Solutions’ warehouse located in Charlotte, NC needed some tender loving care. Colonial Chemical Solutions is a full-service, chemical distribution and logistics company, and in order to more efficiently serve its customers, the company needed to renovate the warehouse and bring it up to NFPA standards.  Continue reading Induron Paints Restore Colonial Chemical Solutions Warehouse