Tag Archives: davies hood

The Best Ways to Keep Employees Happy

Davies Hood headshotBy Davies Hood, Induron President

As an executive in a small business, I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers on how to “keep employees happy.” However, when I think about it, I think I know someone who does – Ric Michaels, my first grade teacher.

I’m not comparing Induron’s employees to first graders. But I am saying that keeping employees – or any other group of people – happy and productive requires the things we all learned, or should have learned, very early in life from a good role model. Continue reading The Best Ways to Keep Employees Happy

Help Induron Coatings Celebrate Infrastructure Week!

By Davies Hood, Induron President

The buzz might not be as loud as that surrounding the Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots and their whole “Deflate-Gate” fiasco. Heck, it’s not as emotionally charged as some of the other recent headlines that involve the enactment of a city wide curfew, but our nation’s infrastructure is it something that we as a nation need to pay close attention too. Infrastructure Week is this week, and it’s the perfect time to learn more about the current state of things. Continue reading Help Induron Coatings Celebrate Infrastructure Week!

Worth the Effort to Invest in Infrastructure

By Davies Hood, Induron President

Today is Election Day, and in our politically-charged atmosphere, we always hear a lot about “investing in infrastructure” and “debt reduction.” In years past, people like Benjamin Grumbles of the Clean Water America Alliance has made some suggestions he’s asked those in power to consider. Continue reading Worth the Effort to Invest in Infrastructure

Happy to Serve at Jimmie Hale Mission

By Davies Hood, Induron President

“Happiness comes from doing something of significance, and it really comes from doing something of significance for someone else.” – Nick Saban

Recently members of the Induron Team went to serve lunch at the Jimmie Hale Mission in downtown Birmingham for a second time. The above quote from Alabama football coach, Nick Saban, reminded me of a couple of the truly important parts of life: happiness and service. Continue reading Happy to Serve at Jimmie Hale Mission

‘Incentives for Safety’ Paying Dividends

By Davies Hood, Induron President

In my last safety blog, I commented on the importance of safety in the workplace, and Induron’s mission to support this further in 2013. We kicked off a new incentive plan that year, which focused on no Lost Time Accidents (LTAs), no unexcused absences, and overall improved commitment to safety in our work environment.

I also commented on how we encouraged these goals with prize awards, and that we had six individuals in the operations department meet these goals. We celebrated with a Christmas luncheon and the big prize give-a-way, and it was pretty obvious that this program was effective, and was worth continuing in some form going forward.  Continue reading ‘Incentives for Safety’ Paying Dividends

Starting Anew

By Davies Hood, Induron President

I always look forward to the New Year holiday. It’s the one time of year that we all get the opportunity to hit the “reset” button on our lives.

This holiday immediately follows Christmas, which is a great time of giving, family and joy. The Christmas season provides us a reminder of what is really important in life. I realize that this is different for each of us. Continue reading Starting Anew

Another Year Dancing with My Daughters

By Davies Hood

The holidays give us wonderful opportunities to spend as much time as possible with family, but I’m lucky that I get to spend a lot of special time with my daughters in the weeks leading up to the holiday season.

Some of you may have heard about this last year, but others may be surprised to hear that I dance in “The Nutcracker” with my daughters and the Birmingham Ballet. And I LOVE it! Everyone always asks if I wear tights, and the resounding answer to that question is NO. However, I do cross-dress. Continue reading Another Year Dancing with My Daughters

Davies Hood Interviewed by IEEE

Recently, Induron President, Davies Hood, was interviewed by IEEE, (pronounced “Eye-triple-E”), which stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The association is dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity and is the world’s largest technical professional society.

Davies was honored to be asked to do an interview about Induron. Here are some of the questions and his answers: Continue reading Davies Hood Interviewed by IEEE

My Experiences as a Little League Coach

By Davies Hood, Induron President

Last Sunday morning I read a great “Guest Opinion” in the Birmingham News about little league baseball titled “Out of the Mouths of Little Leaguers.”

It forced me to think about my own experiences over the past few months coaching the Southside Sharks, a five and six year old coach pitch team that one of my best friends encouraged me to help him with. Continue reading My Experiences as a Little League Coach