Tag Archives: Induron Birmingham

Induron’s E-Bond 100 Penetrating Primer: So Much More Than Just a Primer

By: Linc York, Induron Sales Representative

Induron’s E-Bond 100 Penetrating Sealer is a very low viscosity, two-component epoxy specially formulated to penetrate and seal concrete, masonry, rusted steel and most chalky coatings. It is available in amber clear and non-opaque off-white. When used as recommended, it is 100% solids, zero VOC, and will not shrink or entrap solvent upon curing.  Continue reading Induron’s E-Bond 100 Penetrating Primer: So Much More Than Just a Primer

Induron Launches New Epoxy Siloxane Finish Coat

Induron is thrilled to announce the launch of our newest product, Indurlux 9400, a new high-solids, two-component epoxy siloxane. This isocyanate-free, high-gloss finish coat has the corrosion-protective properties of an epoxy and the color and gloss retention of a polyurethane. Continue reading Induron Launches New Epoxy Siloxane Finish Coat

Protective Coatings in Canada, Eh? (Part One)

By: Ron Bouthillier, Induron Sales Representative

Not unlike many other areas in North America and beyond, Canada has its own challenges in the protective coatings sector. Geographically, Canada has a larger land mass than the U.S., two coastlines, two major mountain chains and a diversity of weather, forestry, mining and shipbuilding in addition to wind energy, oil and gas, and hydroelectric dams. Specifically, humidity, thermal shock, corrosion, UV exposure and fluctuating temperatures cause unique coating challenges. Continue reading Protective Coatings in Canada, Eh? (Part One)

Induron Products Rehabilitate Fort Payne Potable Water Storage Tank

By: Ben Rowland, Induron Sales Representative

Recently, the Fort Payne Water System, located in Fort Payne, Alabama, rehabilitated its 6,000,000-gallon potable water storage tank. Working with Paul Nail of Fort Payne Water and Curt and Trey O’Daniel of Greenhill Engineering, Induron helped assess the condition of the tank and made coatings recommendations accordingly. Continue reading Induron Products Rehabilitate Fort Payne Potable Water Storage Tank

Fair Competition in Coatings

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

I really like competition. I always have. In my time, I have raced cars, bicycles, motorcycles, boats and on foot. I have played tennis, football, baseball, soccer, bridge, hearts, checkers and chess. Competition is fun, exhilarating, challenging and will force you to improve your game. Continue reading Fair Competition in Coatings

Induron’s Ceramic Epoxies Withstand the Test of Time

By: Linc York, Induron Sales Representative

We’ve all heard that doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. For decades, the popular way to protect structures immersed in or subject to aggressive environments has been to apply three coats of a “high build” epoxy at approximately 15 mils. This approach works adequately, but could there be a better, less-costly way to achieve superior results? What if you could provide enhanced corrosion resistance for less cost while saving time and applying fewer coats to achieve a higher dry film thickness? Continue reading Induron’s Ceramic Epoxies Withstand the Test of Time

Induron to Attend the AWWA’s Annual Conference & Exposition

The Induron team is excited to yet again attend the American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE) occurring June 11-14 at the Pennsylvania Conference Center in Philadelphia. We look forward to not only sharing what differentiates our products and makes them the ideal solution for various projects, but also learning from and networking with others in the industry. One product we’re especially excited to promote is our Ceramapure PL-90 Ceramic Epoxy, which we like to call the “all-in-one” pipe lining solution.

Learn more about Ceramapure PL-90 in the article below published in last year’s Water Industry News, visit Induron at Booth #2014 at ACE’17, OR contact a local sales rep for more information about our products! Continue reading Induron to Attend the AWWA’s Annual Conference & Exposition

Meet the Induron Family: Lance Murphy

Lance Murphy works in Induron’s paint maker canning room as a valued member of Induron’s production team. When Mike Nelms, Induron’s production manager, recognized Lance’s exemplary work ethic, he knew he’d make an excellent addition to Induron’s team.

“Lance has brought the same work ethic, willingness to learn, attitude and energy to Induron that originally caught my attention at his previous job and caused me to approach him about coming to work at Induron. He has been a great addition to the team,” Nelms said.

As a hard-working, team-oriented individual, we’re proud to have him as a part of our Induron family and thought it would be nice to get to know him a little better. To learn more about Lance, check out the Q&A with him below! Continue reading Meet the Induron Family: Lance Murphy

Induron Sales Strategy Meeting: Good People with Great Ideas

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

Last week I had the opportunity to host a small group of Induron’s Sales Team at our corporate Headquarters here in Birmingham, AL. What started out as an opportunity for a couple of our sales team members to attend the Sales Bootcamp at Samford University’s Brock School of Business evolved into a two-day meeting complete with product application demonstrations, new Market Presentations (including one by a key customer!), good southern BBQ, a Sales Team Strategy meeting that included a SWOT analysis and a homemade dinner on the back porch of our EVP’s house. I considered the entire meeting a 10 out of 10 in terms of quality of time spent between sales training, hands-on product demonstration, long-term strategy and good ol’ fashioned fun (team building). I wasn’t the only one who thought the meeting was a success and time well spent. Our key customer who presented to the team even asked for some of the Saw’s BBQ Sauce to be included with his next paint shipment! See a few other comments below from some of the attendees:
Continue reading Induron Sales Strategy Meeting: Good People with Great Ideas

Building Business Opportunities Just Like We Did in the Good Old Days

By George Shannon, Induron Sales Representative

I have three sons chasing their dreams in three distinctly different careers. When they were younger, we discussed how they should never give up, never quit and always be ready to adapt to any changes that came their way. Continue reading Building Business Opportunities Just Like We Did in the Good Old Days