Tag Archives: Induron Birmingham

Overcoming Giants

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

I remember being both moved and inspired by this full-page advertisement for Maserati in USA Today a few years ago on the Monday after the Super Bowl. The Patriots won… but that’s not this story. The ad copy read Continue reading Overcoming Giants

The Induron Approach

By: Tom Wunderlin, Induron Sales Representative

A salesperson is the primary differentiator in purchases today. As products and services become increasingly commoditized, purchasers realize that they can receive a similar offering from another company. But, what they can’t get from just any supplier is the same experience and positive outcome Induron’s sales representatives strive to create. Continue reading The Induron Approach

2018 in Review

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

As Induron Coatings entered our seventh decade of providing “Reliable Protection Through Innovative Coatings,” we knew that change and adaptation was necessary to continue with our mission. Don’t get me wrong, 2017 was a record year in terms of sales, team building and company culture at Induron. But, the real takeaway from our 70th Anniversary Celebration, was that in order to succeed in business, companies had to constantly adapt and continue to work to improve culture. At Induron, we have a proven track record of both. Here are a few examples: Continue reading 2018 in Review

The Original Induron Blog

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

With the Induron blog, we strive to provide readers with unique insight into our company—a “Look Beneath the Surface,” if you will. Our blog content ranges from project profiles, industry insights and product highlights to softer pieces, such as employee spotlights, motivational advice and personal stories. Recently, I came across a “‘when I grow up’ paper I wrote as a 6-year-old that could be considered as “The Original Induron Blog.”  It read:  Continue reading The Original Induron Blog

The Story of The REAL Santa Claus

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

As the Christmas season begins, I enjoy reminiscing on the special memories and traditions that the holidays hold. One of my favorite Christmas memories is my dad dressing up as Santa Claus and bringing joy to the Birmingham community. Continue reading The Story of The REAL Santa Claus

Coated in Customer Service

By: John Bray, UL guest blogger

Finding success in any competitive market involves quality products that help you stand out from the competition, successful marketing campaigns to draw attention, and a deep understanding of the industry. Of course, all of this can mean very little without customer service to back it up. That’s why Induron focuses heavily on service and, since its founding, has prioritized customer relationships. Continue reading Coated in Customer Service

Tips for Cold-Weather Coatings

By: Tom Wunderlin, Induron Sales Representative

With the cold weather months approaching, contractors, owners, engineers and others often believe that paint and coatings projects must wait until the weather warms up. False! Continue reading Tips for Cold-Weather Coatings

Why is Induron Protective Coatings Culture Special?

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

Induron Protective Coatings CultureIn June of 1969, I joined Induron Protective Coatings after 4 years of engineering studies at Vanderbilt, 4 years of experience in aircraft structural analysis and earning a master’s degree in Business Administration from Georgia State. Continue reading Why is Induron Protective Coatings Culture Special?

Culture is Our Most Important Raw Material

By: Andy Odorzynski, Induron Sales Representative

Asset owners and contractors face a vital business decision when they choose which protective coatings to use on their projects. The technical attributes of a protective coating system are only the baseline qualification for a given product to be taken into consideration. Does the product protect the asset? Is it user-friendly? Can it handle the exposure environment? Is it attractive? These are the prerequisites for consideration, but not the metrics by which a selection is actually made. Continue reading Culture is Our Most Important Raw Material