Tag Archives: Induron coatings

Enduring Supply Chain Challenges the Induron Way

By: Davies Hood, Induron President 

Supply Chain ChallengesYou’ve probably heard that we’re living in “unprecedented times,” and that overused phrase does NOT exclude the paint manufacturing industry.  

“This is going to be the most challenging time in our professional career.” 

If I’ve said that phrase once in the last month, I’ve said it a hundred times. Because supply chain disruptions are causing significant and immediate price increases as well as challenging, uncharted lead times, those of us in the chemical industry are facing unprecedented challenges due to these unknown and/or undefined constraints.   Continue reading Enduring Supply Chain Challenges the Induron Way

How is Paint Manufacturing Like Baking a Cake?

How is paint manufacturing like baking a cake? While it seems like a silly question, baking a cake is a simple, and tasty, analogy to explain the paint manufacturing process. Induron President Davies Hood explains how the two processes are similar in this video.  Continue reading How is Paint Manufacturing Like Baking a Cake?

Does Galvanized Steel Corrode?

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

Yes, galvanized steel does corrode. In fact, there are a million steel transmission structures fighting corrosion issues in North America and nearly 20 percent of the world’s steel production supports replacing steel structures and equipment that has been damaged by corrosion. Continue reading Does Galvanized Steel Corrode?

Restoring the Roof of the Miller-Hungerpiller Home

By: Mitch Hungerpillar, Home owner and guest author

Roof restorationI live in a family home located in Crestwood North in Birmingham, Alabama that my wife’s grandparents built in the mid 1930’s. As the 3rd and 4th generation to live in the home, we have a particular passion about maintaining its original architectural integrity. Our home is a brick English Tudor style with a metal roof manufactured by U.S. Steel that carries a lifetime warranty. The only real maintenance for the roof is cleaning and painting it for curb appeal. Continue reading Restoring the Roof of the Miller-Hungerpiller Home

4 Problems with Existing Epoxy Mortars

By: Andy Odorzynsk, Induron National Sales Manager

MortarChemWhile cementitious epoxy mortars are a vital step in most concrete lining projects, the epoxy mortar products available are typically fraught with problems and application challenges.  Continue reading 4 Problems with Existing Epoxy Mortars

What Coatings Can Be Used to Safeguard Power Plants in the Future?

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

The landscape of electricity generation has been changing for decades. Currently, the mix of power plant types and fuels used in the United States include natural gas (simple cycle and combined cycle), nuclear, coal, petroleum, renewables (wind, hydro, solar, geothermal) and more. Continue reading What Coatings Can Be Used to Safeguard Power Plants in the Future?

FastPrime Increases Efficiency for Maverick OilField Services

By: Jamie Laid, Induron Sales Representative

Maverick OilField Services prepares and paints for oil and gas companies across the country. Specifically, Maverick performs dry abrasive blasting onsite using an IR heated spray booth. 
Continue reading FastPrime Increases Efficiency for Maverick OilField Services

Proven Protection at the Lowest Applied Cost

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Asset ManagementIn North America, there are a million steel transmission structures fighting corrosion issues. While several thousand of those are being addressed from a corrosion standpoint, there is still more work to be done. The Induron approach to asset protection is the lowest applied cost per square foot per year, and we can calculate the cost based on experience and proven results.  Continue reading Proven Protection at the Lowest Applied Cost

Standards Based on Experience

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

When I began working in the coatings industry in 1982, standards specifically developed for the electric utility industry’s transmission and distribution (T&D) coatings market did not exist. Specifically, coating standards for electric substations (equipment and structures) high-voltage transmission structures (monopoles and lattice towers/pylons) and for “flow-coating” large transformers were lacking. Continue reading Standards Based on Experience

The Evolution of a Water Tank

By: Tex Enoch, Induron Sales Representative

First, there is a need. In this case, Yalick Farms, a community outside of Dallas, PA, needed an elevated storage tank to support a growing community.  Aqua PA responded by working with GHD engineers out of Harrisburg to determine the amount and type of storage needed.  

Continue reading The Evolution of a Water Tank