Tag Archives: Induron Employees

PermaClean 100 Ceramic Epoxy: The Solution for Sardis Water Authority

By: Russell Hicks, Induron Sales Representative

Sardis Water ClarifierRecently, Induron provided materials to help Sardis Water Authority with a much-needed facelift.  For nine years, the water and sewage utilities company located in Clayton, Oklahoma had two finish filters working double duty, and they were beginning to show signs of wear and tear.

Sardis Water had two major problems. First, a new and larger clarifier needed to be built so that the two existing clarifiers could be converted into finish filters. Second, the water system needed a coating solution that could meet several demands. Sardis Water Authority needed the filter back in service quickly due to water usage demands. Additionally, the Sardis Water’s new coating system needed to be applied in a single coat while offering excellent abrasion resistance.

Greg Vaughn of Vaughn Engineering turned to Induron for a solution, and we delivered. Our solution was PermaClean 100 Ceramic Epoxy applied to 10.0 to 15.0 Mils DFT. This product offers absolute minimal undercutting, unrivaled Film Build (NSF approved up to 50 Mils DFT), ultra-low permeability and a non-ablative surface.

Because of PermaClean 100’s fast cure time (72 hours), Vaughn Engineering was able to proceed with rebuilding the aeration filters and returning Sardis Water Authority to service. In the end, Sardis Water Authority received much-needed maintenance on its water filtration system while maintaining its customers’ water demands.

Induron Sales Representative Joins the Georgia Mining Association

Carl Moye Joins the Georgia Mining AssociaitionInduron is proud to be the newest Associate Member of the Georgia Mining Association, and we look forward to supporting the mining industry in the state of Georgia. Carl Moye, our Sales Representative for the state of Georgia, has devoted more than 15 years to the mining industry and will continue to support the industry through his involvement with GMA. Before joining Induron’s team, Carl worked in a purchasing role in the Georgia mining industry. He’s also has been on the Georgia Mining Association’s Membership Committee for five years.  Continue reading Induron Sales Representative Joins the Georgia Mining Association

Induron’s PermaClean 100 Ceramic Epoxy: Protecting the Top Water/Utility Systems in the U.S.

By: Ben Rowland, Induron Sales Representative

In its January 2016 issue, Water and Wastes Digest featured Induron’s premium 100% Solids Ceramic Epoxy, PermaClean 100. Specifically, the article highlighted the use of this high-build, NSF Approved Ceramic Epoxy as the standardized potable water tank liner for the Aqua Pennsylvania system, which is one of the leading water suppliers in the United States. The publication  was so impressed by the reference photo we provided for the product that they chose to use as the issue’s cover photo.   Continue reading Induron’s PermaClean 100 Ceramic Epoxy: Protecting the Top Water/Utility Systems in the U.S.

The Good Old Days, Part One

By: Tex Enoch, Induron Sales Representative

Tex EnochLiving in this increasingly litigious world, we sometimes forget (or are too young to remember) what it was like in the days when everything didn’t have to be notarized or written in triplicate.

Early in my career, which currently spans about 45 years, I was required to visit a job site and certify that the blasted areas of the exterior surface of a water tank were cleared to be primed and that the previously-primed areas had the required film thickness stated in the specifications.  Continue reading The Good Old Days, Part One

The Importance of Goals, Part 3

By Kendall Smith, Induron Sales Representative

Aim HigherGoals are very important to a small company like Induron. In our previous two blogs, you can read Linc York’s thoughts on making SMART goals and celebrating successes as well as how goal-setting has fueled Tex Enoch’s career.  Today, I’ll discuss how goal-setting can help your company compete with others.

In my opinion, the key to beating big companies that tend to have rigid goals (quotas) for sales is to aim high and have “the long game” in mind.  Continue reading The Importance of Goals, Part 3

The Best Things About Independence Day

iStock_000009509714_SmallAt Induron, we are very proud to be an American company. We’ve been here a long time, and we plan to continue to be here for a lot longer. We have sales representatives who are spread out all over this great country, and we all love the Fourth of July holiday and celebrate it in different ways wherever we are.

“The 4th of July commemorates the signing of the documents which define us. We read the entire Declaration every year on the fourth to remind us of the great ideas on which our country was founded.” David Hood, Induron CEO Continue reading The Best Things About Independence Day

Let’s Face it – Linseed Oil Needs Help!

By Kendall Smith, Induron Sales Rep

Let’s face it: when you’re trying to overcoat aged, failing coatings, badly weathered galvanized steel or even rusted carbon steel, linseed oil as a barrier coating needs all the fortification it can get.

Granted, modified linseed oil provides maximum wetting and penetration properties, as well as minimum curing stresses and disruption of the existing coating. But by itself, as a barrier coating, it would not hold out long against the elements (wind, rain, salt fog, sun, etc.).

So how do you get maximum barrier protection out of one high-build coat of modified linseed oil? Ask for it in the specification!

One purpose of a coatings specification is to be specific about what you want. High-build, properly pigmented linseed oil coatings have been providing excellent corrosion protection for 50 years when pigmented with functional pigments that provide an effective shield or barrier. Historically, once lead pigments were removed, those barrier properties have been best achieved with combinations of metallic zinc dust and other lamellar pigments, such as micaceous iron oxide and leafing aluminum.

When zinc is not used as galvanic protection (and at any concentration below 83 percent, it does NOT), it is best supplemented with platy-type pigments that orient themselves parallel with the substrate and overlap. These lamellar pigments align themselves much like mica. This lamellar formation creates a difficult pathway for the elements of corrosion to migrate through the system, and stops them from camping out on the vulnerable substrate, where corrosion cells will form and develop into pitting corrosion if moisture, salts and other corrosion inducers are left for any time at all.  Continue reading Let’s Face it – Linseed Oil Needs Help!

Our Favorite Holiday Traditions

Davies' Daughters
Induron President Davies Hood's daughters

Now that December is in full swing, we’re getting excited for the holidays! Here are some of the Induron Family’s favorite holiday traditions:

“Once the grandchildren were all old enough that money was the gift they cherished the most, my mother-in-law felt they should work for it. She rolled up $50 bills as tightly as possible and then hid one for each grandchild in the Christmas tree. Now that she’s in her 80’s, she has a few son-in law elves to assist with the process. While hiding the money, the elves assure themselves that the location of the $50 bills will not be forgotten, but each year there is always one that takes multiple parties to find.  Last year, it was a full day and a half before the last bill was discovered!” –Dick Belliveau, Induron Sales Rep

“I have three favorite Christmas traditions: I love lighting our Christmas tree with as many different styles and colors of lights as is humanly possible. I also love hiding our ‘Elf-on-the-Shelf’ in different locations throughout the house and having my two elementary school age daughters search for ‘Sizzle’ every December morning. And as a child, I loved visiting the Santa Claus that always stopped by my grandfather’s house on Christmas Eve and letting him know exactly what I wanted the next morning.” –Davies Hood, Induron President

“Santa’s gifts under the tree always arrived unwrapped, in a big burlap sack that Santa had left there.  It sure added to the excitement on Christmas morning for my three daughters! Now, with the kids grown, nostalgia has set in. For the past five years, all our decorations have been ‘vintage,’ including the aluminum Christmas tree with the color wheel.” –John Anspach, Induron Technical Director Continue reading Our Favorite Holiday Traditions

Meet Part of the Induron Family: Scott Pruitt

We’re proud to introduce you to the third employee in our “Meet the Induron Family” blog series: Scott Pruitt.

Scott works in the paint making department at Induron, making Protecto 401 – one of the company’s biggest sellers. He also does simple maintenance around the company, making sure everything is running smoothly.

Scott is a second-generation Induron employee – his father retired from Induron after working here for 40 years. Continue reading Meet Part of the Induron Family: Scott Pruitt