Tag Archives: Induron Family

Story of this Photo: Indurethane 6600 AG

By: Davies Hood, Induron CEO

Indurethane AG 2Not only does this photo feature wet, red paint unsuccessfully attempting to coalesce into a film, but it also illustrates the effectiveness of Induron’s Indurethane 6600 AG graffiti resistant surface!

In this close-up photo, a fresh coat of red paint was applied to a teal-colored test panel of Indurethane AG (Anti-Graffiti). As you can see, the red paint cannot form a film or any chemical bond to the teal surface. If this red paint can’t stick, how could spray-paint, lipstick or magic marker? This lack of adherence is because Indurethane AG provides an ultra-low surface tension, which prevents almost anything from effectively sticking to it!  Continue reading Story of this Photo: Indurethane 6600 AG

Induron Sales Representative Joins the Georgia Mining Association

Carl Moye Joins the Georgia Mining AssociaitionInduron is proud to be the newest Associate Member of the Georgia Mining Association, and we look forward to supporting the mining industry in the state of Georgia. Carl Moye, our Sales Representative for the state of Georgia, has devoted more than 15 years to the mining industry and will continue to support the industry through his involvement with GMA. Before joining Induron’s team, Carl worked in a purchasing role in the Georgia mining industry. He’s also has been on the Georgia Mining Association’s Membership Committee for five years.  Continue reading Induron Sales Representative Joins the Georgia Mining Association

The Good Old Days, Part One

By: Tex Enoch, Induron Sales Representative

Tex EnochLiving in this increasingly litigious world, we sometimes forget (or are too young to remember) what it was like in the days when everything didn’t have to be notarized or written in triplicate.

Early in my career, which currently spans about 45 years, I was required to visit a job site and certify that the blasted areas of the exterior surface of a water tank were cleared to be primed and that the previously-primed areas had the required film thickness stated in the specifications.  Continue reading The Good Old Days, Part One

The Importance of Goals, Part 3

By Kendall Smith, Induron Sales Representative

Aim HigherGoals are very important to a small company like Induron. In our previous two blogs, you can read Linc York’s thoughts on making SMART goals and celebrating successes as well as how goal-setting has fueled Tex Enoch’s career.  Today, I’ll discuss how goal-setting can help your company compete with others.

In my opinion, the key to beating big companies that tend to have rigid goals (quotas) for sales is to aim high and have “the long game” in mind.  Continue reading The Importance of Goals, Part 3

Get to Know the Induron Family: Donna Poe

“Are you keeping Donna’s hours?” Any time someone comes in late or leaves early, this question is often asked jokingly and in good fun. With Donna Poe’s part-time flexible hours, she also gets calls asking her, “What’s up?” if she comes in earlier than normal.

But this flexible schedule has allowed her to have the best of both worlds as she fulfills responsibilities at home and enjoys working at Induron. Continue reading Get to Know the Induron Family: Donna Poe

Induron Family Q&A: Ricky Germany

Ricky GermanyAt Induron, our Customer Service department is a key component in ensuring our customers get the products and information they need. Ricky Germany is the newest member of our Customer Service department, and we’re glad to have him on board!

Ricky has been with Induron since October, and in the few months he’s been here, has really become the “voice of Induron.” When customers call us, he’s usually the first person they talk to, whether they need to place an order, get a product recommendation or ask a question.

Learn a little more about Ricky:

If you were any animal, what would you be and why?

The animal that I would most like to be is a Fossa. It is highly intelligent and adaptive, lives in a tropical environment and has no natural predators.

What is your biggest professional mistake and success?

I cannot think of a professional mistake worth mentioning – either I have not had one or have selective memory suppression (I vote for the latter). As far as success, the following of clientele I achieved during my retail career – having people drive out of their way to come and deal with me exclusively – was very satisfying. Continue reading Induron Family Q&A: Ricky Germany

Meet the Induron Family: Barry Peters

Barry Peters, Induron Customer Service ManagerBarry Peters is both the face and voice of Induron to most of our valued customers. As the Customer Service Department Manager, Barry works with customers to ensure that orders are met correctly and in a timely fashion. He also answers a multitude of technical product and application questions. Additionally, he works with employees in Induron’s manufacturing department to streamline the flow of goods and facilitate shipping.

“We’re a small company, so service is really important,” he says. “We try to offer our customers the best service available, and develop relationships with them. We have to be personal, and understand their needs.

“We want to be considered a true partner to all our customers.”

Barry has been in the paint business for more than 20 years. He started with Induron (which was then called Indurall) in 1989 as a store manager, and then became an area manager in charge of half a dozen retail stores. During Induron’s transition from retail to strictly industrial, Barry became our company’s very first Customer Service Department Manager. After a stint with a friendly competitor from 2000 to 2010, Barry returned to Induron, and has played an integral part in the overall improvement of morale since.

Now that Induron has expanded internationally, Barry’s duties overseeing the shipping department have grown. “Shipping has become a big part of my job, since we’re sending products to Canada, Mexico and Central and South America,” he says. Continue reading Meet the Induron Family: Barry Peters

Meet the Induron Family: Stan Shook

Stan ShookAt Induron, we’re always thankful for our employees, but especially so around the holidays! Meet Stan Shook, Induron Chemist.

Stan creates paint formulas for Induron, and ensures they meet or exceed requirements for strength, durability and cost.

Stan began working at Induron in May of 1974. “I was trying to figure out what do to with my life,” he said. “I was driving a city delivery truck, and then one day saw an ad in the paper for a lab helper at Induron. I sent in my resume and, lo and behold, they called me.”

Stan started out as the “lab gopher,” doing typical things a new guy might do – getting raw materials, running errands and even a little cleaning. “I was definitely the low man on the Totem pole,” he said.

Eventually, however, others in the lab saw that Stan had a talent for matching colors. “They started letting me make color blends with dry pigments,” he said. “I matched colors really well, so I was promoted to Lab Technician. I started testing paints, and was catching on with how to formulate paints. Then in the late ‘70s or early ‘80s, I was promoted again to Formulating Chemist.”

In those days, Induron manufactured house paints for interiors and exteriors. Stan had a knack for those paints, and developed several lines of latex paints. He was also responsible for most of the gloss enamels and primers that Induron sold.

“Now, I mostly do industrial epoxies,” he said. “But when we get requests for some of the conventional paints from a long time ago, I still work on those projects today.” Continue reading Meet the Induron Family: Stan Shook

Our Favorite Holiday Traditions

Davies' Daughters
Induron President Davies Hood's daughters

Now that December is in full swing, we’re getting excited for the holidays! Here are some of the Induron Family’s favorite holiday traditions:

“Once the grandchildren were all old enough that money was the gift they cherished the most, my mother-in-law felt they should work for it. She rolled up $50 bills as tightly as possible and then hid one for each grandchild in the Christmas tree. Now that she’s in her 80’s, she has a few son-in law elves to assist with the process. While hiding the money, the elves assure themselves that the location of the $50 bills will not be forgotten, but each year there is always one that takes multiple parties to find.  Last year, it was a full day and a half before the last bill was discovered!” –Dick Belliveau, Induron Sales Rep

“I have three favorite Christmas traditions: I love lighting our Christmas tree with as many different styles and colors of lights as is humanly possible. I also love hiding our ‘Elf-on-the-Shelf’ in different locations throughout the house and having my two elementary school age daughters search for ‘Sizzle’ every December morning. And as a child, I loved visiting the Santa Claus that always stopped by my grandfather’s house on Christmas Eve and letting him know exactly what I wanted the next morning.” –Davies Hood, Induron President

“Santa’s gifts under the tree always arrived unwrapped, in a big burlap sack that Santa had left there.  It sure added to the excitement on Christmas morning for my three daughters! Now, with the kids grown, nostalgia has set in. For the past five years, all our decorations have been ‘vintage,’ including the aluminum Christmas tree with the color wheel.” –John Anspach, Induron Technical Director Continue reading Our Favorite Holiday Traditions