Tag Archives: Induron Protective Coatings

The Challenges of OTC Regulations

By: Tom Wunderlin, Induron Sales Representative

The paint and coatings industries have made strides toward reducing air pollution dating back to the 1980s. Current regulations have lowered the amount of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from coatings products in different regions and will continue to do so in the future. This discussion is based on a regional or national standard for achieving these air quality goals. Continue reading The Challenges of OTC Regulations

The Limp Blimp

By: Jeff White, Induron Sales Representative

There are times when life is stranger than fiction. Pictured below is a funny story from Induron’s history. Barry Peters, our Customer Service Department Manager, is a great storyteller. Recently, he fessed up to this during one of our conversations. I have been at Induron for 17 years and no one has ever brought it up. The incident occurred in 1992-1993. Make sure to take note of the clandestine operation that it took to recover the “Indurall Blimp.” I hope you are as entertained by it as I am! The article reads: Continue reading The Limp Blimp

Meet the Newest Member of our Team: Jamie Laird

We’re excited to welcome Jamie Laird to the Induron team! Jamie manages the Oregon and Pacific Northwest region. Before coming to Induron, Jamie was the Industrial Market Manager for Rodda/Cloverdale Paints. Prior to that role, he spent 15 years at Sherwin Williams in various sales and technical service roles in the protective and marine coatings division. Continue reading Meet the Newest Member of our Team: Jamie Laird

50 Years with Induron: Building Induron Coatings

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

In case you missed it, check out part one of this blog series, 50 Years with Induron: Changing Roles at Indurall. 

When beginning Induron Coatings, our goal was to find the right niche. The markets that seemed to be “not too big and not too small” were the ductile iron sewer pipe and water tank market. We experienced success in both markets. By concentrating on them technically and through sales and marketing efforts, we aimed to become experts and offer more value to our customers. Of course, it was not easy, but we have persevered and become more successful than imagined. Continue reading 50 Years with Induron: Building Induron Coatings

50 Years with Induron: Changing Roles at Indurall

By: David Hood, Induron CEO

June 21st marked the 50th anniversary of my full-time employment with Induron. In June of 1969, I moved from Atlanta with my late wife, Brenda, who at the time was pregnant with our son, Davies. We bought our first house in Crestline, and I started what turned out to be a permanent career as a paint maker. Continue reading 50 Years with Induron: Changing Roles at Indurall

Project Spotlight: Levee Repair in Lafayette

By: Nick Jones, Induron Sales Representative

In August of 2005, Louisiana suffered through more than 50 failures of its levees and flood walls following the passage of Hurricane Katrina and landfall in Mississippi. A levee is a natural or artificial wall that prevents water from flowing into certain areas. Levees are often used to increase available land for habitation, divert a body of water so the fertile soil of a river or seabed may be used for agriculture or prevent rivers from flooding cities in a storm surge. Continue reading Project Spotlight: Levee Repair in Lafayette

7 Facts About Ceramic Epoxy Technology

By: Andy Odorzynski, Induron National Sales Manager

Bringing innovative and unique technology to market can be a challenge. How do you show clients who have been doing things successfully that making a change is worth the effort? How do you explain the upgrade over the status quo? One part of this challenge is simply recognition. Are your partners aware you have something unique? The second part is harder: Do your partners understand why it’s unique and how it would help them? Answering these two marketing questions is one of the most important things we do at Induron.   Continue reading 7 Facts About Ceramic Epoxy Technology

Induron Attends ACE 2019

By: Tex Enoch, Induron Water Tank Market Manager

I believe this is the 40th AWWA Annual Convention that I have attended and my 12th as an Induron representative.  It is also the first conference in 25 years that I have no committee responsibilities.  My colleague, Andy Odorzinski has replaced me on the D101 and 102 committees Continue reading Induron Attends ACE 2019

The Induron Difference: Providing Marketplace Expertise

When working with Induron, you not only have access to innovative technology, but also to the marketplace expertise of our sales representatives. We invest ourselves in our customer’s success, satisfaction and your reputation by putting our customers first. Continue reading The Induron Difference: Providing Marketplace Expertise