Tag Archives: Induron Protective Coatings

The Importance of Goals, Part 2

By Tex Enoch, Induron Sales Representative

Goal AheadLast week, fellow Induron Sales Representative, Linc York and our President, Davies Hood kicked off the Importance of Goals blog series with a post focusing on making SMART goals and celebrating successes. Check out his blog post here. Today, I’m going to illustrate how setting goals has fueled my career at Induron.

Since starting work at Induron, I’ve changed my goals strategically each year, but my focus remains on market penetration rather than sales.  Continue reading The Importance of Goals, Part 2

The Importance of Goals, Part 1

By Linc York, Induron Sales Representative and Davies Hood, Induron President

PR SailboatAt Induron, goals are very important. Our President, Davies Hood, sets goals for our company as a whole each year, but he also encourages us to (or requires us to) make our own personal and professional goals.

Davies asked several of us to share our thoughts on goal making for a blog series. I worked hard to achieve my goals in 2015, and I’m honored that Davies asked me to contribute.  Continue reading The Importance of Goals, Part 1

Size Matters

Two different sized Piggy Banks on SeeSawBy Tim LaBorde, Induron Representative and Consultant for Petrochemical Industry   

Many years ago, I attended a sales meeting where a senior manager said one of the silliest things that I’ve ever heard. He said, “You need to go out and sell our new system even if it’s not as good as some others, because customers have been waiting for it and we’re one of the ‘biggest’ paint companies in the U.S.”

Unfortunately, he really did believe this nonsense because of years of internal brainwashing. Even more unfortunate is that customers oftentimes fall into the very same trap of believing bigger suppliers are better. Continue reading Size Matters

The Best Ways to Keep Employees Happy

Davies Hood headshotBy Davies Hood, Induron President

As an executive in a small business, I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers on how to “keep employees happy.” However, when I think about it, I think I know someone who does – Ric Michaels, my first grade teacher.

I’m not comparing Induron’s employees to first graders. But I am saying that keeping employees – or any other group of people – happy and productive requires the things we all learned, or should have learned, very early in life from a good role model. Continue reading The Best Ways to Keep Employees Happy

Safety and Efficiency: Mutually Exclusive?

By Mike Nelms, Induron Production Manager

Can you be safe AND efficient? Absolutely – if you practice safety and efficiency in the correct fashion.

We’re all looking to be more efficient in our daily tasks, but safety is paramount. How many times have you heard someone in your facility say, “If you put a guard on that, it will slow me down!”?

The key to countering statements like that is to ensure you’re installing the RIGHT type of safety guard for the process being performed, the ergonomics and the machine type itself. If you do this, safety and efficiency can live in harmony. Continue reading Safety and Efficiency: Mutually Exclusive?

Get to Know Russell Hicks

Recently, Induron welcomed a new member to our team, Russell Hicks! Russell will lead customer service sales and serve as Coatings Sales Consultant in our key market of Texas.

Before joining Induron, Russell was District Sales Manager and Inspector at Caldwell Tanks where he led business development efforts in the firm’s Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma markets. He has an extensive background in the water, wastewater and coatings industries and is a NACE Certified Coatings Inspector. Continue reading Get to Know Russell Hicks

ARRRG….A Special Halloween Post about Blackbeard’s Booty

By Jeff White

Happy Halloween! My two go to Halloween costumes as a kid were a “soldier” and a “pirate.”

As an adult, I got to live the life of a soldier for a few years. But I’ve never sailed the high seas as a pirate, so the lore of the pirate lifestyle still interests me. Continue reading ARRRG….A Special Halloween Post about Blackbeard’s Booty

Collaboration Leads to a Win-Win

By John Anspach, Induron VP of Operations

Recently, Induron’s sales and technical organization met with the heads of the Physics & Chemistry Departments at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).  The purpose of the meeting was for us to learn about the university’s capability to conduct third-party coatings testing. This could support our current and future customers’ analytical needs by providing needed support and added value. In addition, our hope was to find new and unique ways to evaluate these coatings. Continue reading Collaboration Leads to a Win-Win

To Blast or Not To Blast? That is the Question

By Ben Rowland

One of the most important, and most common, questions raised when assessing the condition of an existing water tank is whether or not it is a candidate for overcoating, or if will it be necessary to blast clean the tank back to the bare substrate.

This is a simple question with a multitude of variables and answers. Some of the variables include: budget, tank site, condition of the existing coatings, the type of existing coatings, desired life expectancy of the coating system to be applied, desired coatings to apply, so on and so forth. Continue reading To Blast or Not To Blast? That is the Question