Tag Archives: Induron Protective Coatings

Why My Knowledge is Your Knowledge

By Ben Rowland, Induron Sales Rep

As an Induron sales rep, I spend a lot of time honing my knowledge of the industry. Whether I’m attending a continuing education course, getting re-certified in a particular aspect of the industry or working with our Induron chemists to ensure I’m up to date on the latest and greatest products we offer, staying informed on every aspect of the world of coatings is vital to our business… and YOUR success. Continue reading Why My Knowledge is Your Knowledge

Step Away from the Dark Side and “Brand X”

By John Bickel, Induron Sales Rep

I joined the Induron sales team earlier this year, and while I’m still learning about the products I sell, its material makeup and application, this blog will concern itself more with the customers I visit to try and sway over from the dark side. In this case, we’ll call the dark side “Brand X.”  Continue reading Step Away from the Dark Side and “Brand X”

Plant Expansion Ribbon Cutting Ceremony a Success!

By Davies Hood, Induron CEO

We would like to say a huge thank you to all those who attended our Plant Expansion Ribbon Cutting Ceremony last week on Thursday, September 5, 2013. We were thrilled to have a fantastic turn out, and saying thank you was really the theme of the day. Continue reading Plant Expansion Ribbon Cutting Ceremony a Success!

How to Specify a Penetrating Sealer

Finish: Induron #9200 INDURAGUARD @ 8.0-12.0 MILS DFT.

By Kendall Smith, Induron Sales Rep

Since the concept of protecting high-voltage electric transmission towers and poles with protective coatings began (in the early part of the last century), medium to long-oil alkyd primers have been used to spot-prime the more corroded areas and also to overcoat old aged coatings. Continue reading How to Specify a Penetrating Sealer

Prep Your Surface, and Prep it Well

By Jeff White

In the industrial painting industry, I’ve heard people say that “more than 80% of failures are because of poor surface preparation.” It’s also been said that surface preparation is the most important part of a coating system.

You can think of surface preparation as being like the foundation of a building. Continue reading Prep Your Surface, and Prep it Well

Are Isocyanates Becoming the “Bad Guys” in Paint Formulation?

By John Anspach

A recent article in Paint Square indicates OSHA plans to target isocyanates in coatings, with a crackdown on exposure to this material.

Isocyanates are used in many coatings, but particularly in aromatic and aliphatic urethane systems, as a curative.  It also is part of many other coatings systems, including insulating foams, auto body repair, and elastomeric coatings.  Continue reading Are Isocyanates Becoming the “Bad Guys” in Paint Formulation?

Fighting Disasters with Inflatable Concrete

By Jeff White, Induron Sales Manager

Earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis. Unfortunately, in the past few years it hasn’t been unusual to hear about these natural disasters occurring all over the world. How to deal with relief efforts and keep people safe in the aftermath is always a challenge, and I think this new technology could be an interesting solution. Continue reading Fighting Disasters with Inflatable Concrete

On a Mission at Jimmie Hale Mission

Brenda Robbins, Induron Controller

We are always looking for ways to help others at Induron. Our ideal volunteer opportunity involves supporting the community and making our team stronger by working together for a great cause.

Davies Hood, Induron President, recently attended a Kiwanis meeting where he heard Tony Cooper, Executive Director of The Jimmie Hale Mission speak. Continue reading On a Mission at Jimmie Hale Mission

My Experiences as a Little League Coach

By Davies Hood, Induron President

Last Sunday morning I read a great “Guest Opinion” in the Birmingham News about little league baseball titled “Out of the Mouths of Little Leaguers.”

It forced me to think about my own experiences over the past few months coaching the Southside Sharks, a five and six year old coach pitch team that one of my best friends encouraged me to help him with. Continue reading My Experiences as a Little League Coach