Tag Archives: Induron Protective Coatings

30 Years of AWWA ACE Conventions

By Tex Enoch, Induron Sales Rep

The first of many American Water Works Association (AWWA) Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE) Conventions occurred for me over 30 years ago in San Francisco.

Although I worked for a small, very regional, paint manufacturing company, Pennsbury Coatings, it was decided that I should participate in that meeting. Continue reading 30 Years of AWWA ACE Conventions

A Humble Abode for Bug’s Bass Boat

By Barry Peters, Shipping Supervisor/Customer Service

Try saying that blog post title five times fast!

In the industrial coatings industry, we are consumed daily with protection, durability, longevity and all the performance characteristics associated with coatings in situations that are less than ideal.

But every once in a while, a situation comes along that causes us to say, “Wow, that’s a good looking coating.” This project reflects just such an instance. Continue reading A Humble Abode for Bug’s Bass Boat

Be a Resource, not a Peddler to Add Value

By Brian Wolfe, Induron Sales Rep

We’ve talked before about the meaning of value and what that looks like to us at Induron. But I really think it’s a topic worth revisiting, especially since we want to be the best value provider for coatings in our market.

Today, everybody seems to want to do more with less. We have the ability to communicate almost instantaneously. So is it realistic for us to call on design professionals we want to work with and provide each one with valuable information? Continue reading Be a Resource, not a Peddler to Add Value

It’s Not about Baseball!

By Davies Hood, Induron President

On Thursday May 2, 2013, Induron hosted our Second Annual Family Night at the Ballpark. This is a social event where all employees are invited to bring their spouses, kids and grandkids to the local ballpark. We eat hot dogs, burgers and Cracker-Jacks and really get to know co-workers in a relaxed atmosphere. Continue reading It’s Not about Baseball!

Shedding a Little Light on Induraguard

By Kendall Smith, Induron Sales Rep

Most of us, thankfully, don’t have an aged-galvanized electrical transmission tower in our backyards. What we DO have, more often than not, is an old shed that’s probably seen better days.

That was the situation at the Smith residence recently. My trusty old backyard shed was in dire need of some TLC. If I’m perfectly honest, the rotting wooden shed needed to be torn down and taken out of its misery, but in a last-ditch effort to save myself the expense and time of building a new one, I slapped some Induraguard 9200 on it. Continue reading Shedding a Little Light on Induraguard

The Learning Curve

By David Hood, Induron CEO

Junior AchievementBack in the 1990s, I taught a Junior Achievement class to eighth graders at Tarrant Middle School, here in the Birmingham area. This was not the “project” many people associate with Junior Achievement, but an actual 50-minute class once a week for an entire semester with curricula offered by Junior Achievement. The regular Social Studies teacher remained in the classroom to help, but it was truly a “teaching experience” for me.

Tarrant is a “working class,” mixed-race suburb of Birmingham, and my classes consisted of boys, girls, black, white, motivated, not-motivated kids, just as you would expect. Some were from single-parent homes and some were from homes with both mom and dad. But many of them hadn’t had the advantages that other kids their age have had.

I started teaching this class not knowing what to expect, but soon found that most of these kids were bright, inquisitive and really interested in economics and “home business” (how I described balancing a checkbook, creating and sticking to a budget, paying taxes and getting and keeping a job). Continue reading The Learning Curve

Take me to your Leader (in corrosion control)

By Kendall Smith, Induron Sales Rep

Marvin the Martian

Did you ever notice that when the future is portrayed in movies (especially in dystopian sci-fi movies), nothing gets properly maintained? There are no corrosion consultants specifying abrasive blasting, containments, chloride removal, 3-coat coating systems, spray application, etc?

Perhaps in the future there will be limited budgets for all the elements of a successful coatings job that people have come to believe are necessary. However, those elements are not always needed for a great coatings project.

So what would I recommend to a post-Armageddon society to keep rust at bay while keeping inter-galactic costs low? Induron’s Induraguard 9200 and E-Bond! Continue reading Take me to your Leader (in corrosion control)

You Can Always Improve

By Gary Bath, Induron Sales rep

I’ve always enjoyed the challenge of selling and feel that every job has some sales aspect – even if it’s just selling yourself to your boss.  A teacher is selling education, a minister is selling religion, a politician is selling… well, you get my point.

I started out my sales career thinking all it took to be a good salesman was to treat your customer like you would like to be treated – the “Golden Rule” of sales.  Then one day, it dawned on me that Customer Service was a big part of selling. So I started putting more emphasis on Customer Service.

Recently, I talked to a potential new customer about how great Induron’s customer service was. I felt I had made a strong presentation, but it didn’t convince the customer to switch.

Shortly after that I read an article from Alister & Paine entitled, “Do You Need a Customer Service “Spring Cleaning?” It came as a big surprise when I realized that I had at least three of the five bad customer service habits described in the article.  It was a good reminder that even people who have been in this business a long time can always make improvements.

For example, probably my greatest fault during my years in sales has been that I worry too much. I worry about not getting orders shipped on time or my customer blaming our products for a failure that wasn’t our fault.  This article made me realize that spending more time solving a customer’s problems – rather than worrying about things I can’t control – will make me more productive.

And that, of course, makes for happier customers.

Induron Family Q&A: Ricky Germany

Ricky GermanyAt Induron, our Customer Service department is a key component in ensuring our customers get the products and information they need. Ricky Germany is the newest member of our Customer Service department, and we’re glad to have him on board!

Ricky has been with Induron since October, and in the few months he’s been here, has really become the “voice of Induron.” When customers call us, he’s usually the first person they talk to, whether they need to place an order, get a product recommendation or ask a question.

Learn a little more about Ricky:

If you were any animal, what would you be and why?

The animal that I would most like to be is a Fossa. It is highly intelligent and adaptive, lives in a tropical environment and has no natural predators.

What is your biggest professional mistake and success?

I cannot think of a professional mistake worth mentioning – either I have not had one or have selective memory suppression (I vote for the latter). As far as success, the following of clientele I achieved during my retail career – having people drive out of their way to come and deal with me exclusively – was very satisfying. Continue reading Induron Family Q&A: Ricky Germany


By Davies Hood, Induron President

Steel CorrosionAs a general rule, I’m opposed to PACs (Political Action Committees) because of the “secrecy” of their membership and undue influence in our nation’s political process.

However, I am also opposed to a lot of the everyday activities that I regularly participate in. What do I mean? I’m opposed to paying unfair sales taxes on groceries and medicine. I’m opposed to participating in the “free-rider” aspect of volunteer organizations. And I’m very much opposed to the game I grew up playing – football – being deteriorated by the NFL on a year-by-year or even week-by-week basis. But I digress.

But a recent article from PaintSquare has me cheering for (or at least, considering cheering for) the success of the new NACE PAC in Washington.

Look at the numbers: 3.1 percent of our nation’s GDP is spent on corrosion repair and prevention. And it is estimated that up to 30 percent of that cost could be eliminated with proper design and maintenance.

That’s about 1 percent of our GDP, or, in layman’s terms, $120 billion.

You read that right – $120,000,000,000. Continue reading Conflicted.