Tag Archives: Induron Protective Coatings

Keys to Success in International Business

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

Keys to Success in International BusinessInternational business is an unfamiliar, and frankly high risk environment for many companies. It certainly was for Induron when we first ventured beyond our country’s borders. However, through more than a decade of international business ventures, we have identified a few keys to success in international business.  Continue reading Keys to Success in International Business

Meet our New Customer Service Manager: Brenton Conner

Brenton ConnerIn preparation for our Customer Service Manager’s retirement, we welcomed Brenton Conner to the Induron team almost 3 months ago to work alongside Barry Peters and learn the tricks of the trade. Brenton will be taking on a range of responsibilities, including taking orders from customers, writing up orders and bills of lading, completing cycle counts in the warehouse, managing batch tickets, making adjustments to inventory, checking color matches, monitoring shipments and more. 

We are thrilled to officially introduce Brenton as our new Customer Service Manager. Learn more about Brenton in the Q&A below.  Continue reading Meet our New Customer Service Manager: Brenton Conner

Effective Methods to Maintain and Extend the Power Grid Lifecycle

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Induron Protective Coatings is proud to announce an upcoming webinar with Marcus Evans (ME) regarding corrosion control and protective coatings for the electric utility industry, specifically the transmission and distribution (T&D) sector. 

Join Davies Hood, president of Induron Coatings and two top-level executives of electric utilities as well as specialized coatings contractors, who actually do the work on Oct. 19 at 11 a.m. EST.

Continue reading Effective Methods to Maintain and Extend the Power Grid Lifecycle

Meet the Newest Member of the Induron Team: Rob Burckley

We are excited to welcome Rob Burckley to the Induron team! Rob is a veteran of the U.S. Army who served in combat in the Gulf War. He has worked in multiple capacities of metal fabrication and coatings. Over the course of his career, Rob has worked in the coatings industry as a Project Manager, Quality Assurance Inspector, Tank Painting Project Manager, Estimator and Operations Manager and as a Paint Contractor handling estimating and project management.  Continue reading Meet the Newest Member of the Induron Team: Rob Burckley

“To Everything There is a Season, and a Time to every Purpose Under Heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

By: Barry Peters, Retiring Induron Customer Service Manager

When Davies Hood asked me to pen a recap, summation or a farewell, if you will, of my times here at Induron Coatings, it was difficult to choose a tone or theme to use. Continue reading “To Everything There is a Season, and a Time to every Purpose Under Heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

A Tribute to Barry Peters

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

Barry Peters is one of the best “hires” that I have ever made as a manager. For anyone who has ever been responsible for hiring and firing people, that statement says A LOT! 

With a heavy heart, from both a personal and professional side, I would like to wish Barry a healthy, happy and long retirement. I first met Barry back in 1987 in the old Indurall Southside Paint Store located on 24th & 7th Avenue South on a Saturday afternoon. He was working by himself back in the warehouse when my father (owner of the company at the time) and I walked in and made ourselves comfortable behind the counter with a couple of cold Coca-Cola’s. Barry walked back into the retail part of the building to see two unknown faces behind the counter — a place they shouldn’t be. He immediately sized us up and, in his most authoritative voice, asked if he could help us. Knowing we were unrecognized as co-workers, we immediately introduced ourselves and effusively apologized. However, that first impression left an indelible image of someone who has always done-the-right-thing when presented with a surprise or a challenge. Continue reading A Tribute to Barry Peters

Success Story: Coffeeville Elevated Water Tank 10-Year Inspection

By: Nick Jones, Induron Sales Representative

Tank interiorBack in 2011, Willis Engineering and the town of Coffeeville, Mississippi requested a coatings specification for a 250,000-gallon elevated water tank. This tank had been in service since it was built in 1996 and was in need of renovation. The original material had started to fail at its 15-year mark.  Continue reading Success Story: Coffeeville Elevated Water Tank 10-Year Inspection

A Cone-Top Canvas in Deep Ellum

By: Paul Powers, Induron Sales Representative

Continental Gin Company Cone-Top Water Tower PaintingWhat happens when Goldman Global Arts, TankSpek, Corp., MyPerfectColor, and Induron Coatings collaborate? A pretty epic cone-top water tower restoration project for Westdale Management. Here’s how it all happened… Continue reading A Cone-Top Canvas in Deep Ellum

Induron Visits Jacksonville State University’s School of Business and Industry

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

As the president and owner of Induron Protective Coatings, I have been involved in expanding our sales and marketing efforts into international markets. In order to enlighten her students about real life international business development, Lenn Rainwater asked me to share my experiences with her class at Jacksonville State University’s School of Business and Industry Continue reading Induron Visits Jacksonville State University’s School of Business and Industry