Tag Archives: induron

T&D Market Knowledge

By: Kendall Smith, Induron T&D Market Manager

Induron Coatings has been a major supplier to the electric utility industry for almost a decade now and employs individuals who have serviced the industry for many more decades. A few of us even go back to the early 1980s when thousands of electric transmission structures were purchased and installed around the country every year. Utility companies were protecting these structures from corrosion with multiple thin coats, which often only lasted 8-10 years.  Continue reading T&D Market Knowledge

Induron’s Size Advantage

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

Nimble: It’s an adjective that I use on a regular basis to describe Induron. We can and have responded to customer requests quicker and more effectively than others who must go through multiple layers of approval prior to a response. Plus, our size enables us to launch reliable products to the market more efficiently. Though I sometimes feel like a mouse running amongst a heard of elephants as we compete with some of the behemoths that dominate our marketplace, I realize that the maneuverability of that little guy is a serious asset. Continue reading Induron’s Size Advantage

Ceramapure PL-90 Ceramic Epoxy: The All-In-One Pipe Lining Solution

Protect your pipes with the “all-in-one” pipe lining solution. With Ceramapure PL-90 Ceramic Epoxy, Induron brings decades of experience and technology to the pipe market that offers an especially unique barrier coating. Continue reading Ceramapure PL-90 Ceramic Epoxy: The All-In-One Pipe Lining Solution

Meet the Newest Member of the Induron Team: Mike Watson

We’re excited to welcome Mike Watson to the Induron team! Mike will be working with painting contractors, facility owners  and engineers to effectively use Induron’s innovative yet proven products in Georgia. His go-getter attitude and passion for helping customers bring value to their businesses make him a great addition to the Induron family.  To learn a little more about Mike, check out this Q&A. Continue reading Meet the Newest Member of the Induron Team: Mike Watson

How to Solve Your Aggressive, Asset-Destroying Issues

By: Paul Powers, Induron Sales Representative & N.A.C.E. Certified Coatings Inspector III #5643

As an advocate of resourcing and soliciting partnerships with specialty coatings companies, I enjoy working on projects that employ the “best of the best” to solve clients’ asset-destroying issues. At Induron, we partner with some of the most-specialized and leading companies in the industry. These strategic partnerships not only enhance our coatings offerings, but also enable us to address plant maintenance issues upfront and directly and, ultimately, emerge as the single-source solution for our customers. Continue reading How to Solve Your Aggressive, Asset-Destroying Issues

Georgia Power Concrete Poles: Not Your Usual Specification

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Usually, the coatings specifications for T&D structures are predictable. For example, in North America, weathered galvanized, high-voltage, electric transmission poles, towers and substation structures are often protected with sealers and coatings that are surface-tolerant, low stress on aged coatings, easy-to-apply, high-solids, high-build, and proven to protect for 20-25 years in one or two coats. Continue reading Georgia Power Concrete Poles: Not Your Usual Specification

Why International Trade is Important to the Economy

By: Davies Hood, Induron President

As the president of a manufacturing company and a member of the National District Export Council, I realize just how important international trade is to the U.S. economy, and I’m proud that Induron can play a part in improving the U.S. economy with its business.  Continue reading Why International Trade is Important to the Economy

Fire Hydrant Refurbishment: Let’s Get Creative!

By: Paul Powers, Induron Sales Representative

Recently, one of Induron’s larger water company customers used our products on a fire hydrant refurbishment project. Once the project was underway, I received a request that peaked my curiosity. The customer requested some very bright, dynamic colors in small quantities for a special part of the project. Fortunately, Indurlux 7600 can be made in just about any color, so we were able to provide the colors needed for the project.


Continue reading Fire Hydrant Refurbishment: Let’s Get Creative!

Potential vs. People / Strong Business Relationships

By: Nick Jones, Induron Sales Representative

business relationshipsEncountering a new trend or the latest technology often triggers that “gotta-have-it” mentality. To me, one’s potential is similar to that mentality. However, do you know what it is you’re getting? Continue reading Potential vs. People / Strong Business Relationships