Tag Archives: induron

InduraPlan: Corrosion Protection for T&D Structures

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

At Induron Protective Coatings, we find ourselves traveling across the world to visit electric utilities with T&D corrosion issues at an increasing rate. Thanks to the new age of global marketing, people in faraway places are discovering that Induron offers cost-effective solutions for protecting global T&D assets. Plus, Induron’s sales and technical service team members are certified as NACE coating inspectors and have extensive experience managing asset protection programs. Continue reading InduraPlan: Corrosion Protection for T&D Structures

Product Spotlight: Ceramasafe 90 Ceramic Epoxy

Ceramasafe 90 Ceramic Epoxy is the ideal solution for a wide range of wastewater and treatment plant applications. While Induron’s Protecto 401 Ceramic Epoxy has been the industry standard for handling untreated wastewater influent for decades, Ceramasafe 90 brings this same 35-year track record of ceramic epoxy performance to the rest of your treatment plant assets. Continue reading Product Spotlight: Ceramasafe 90 Ceramic Epoxy

Case Study: Texarkana Water Utilities Clarifier Rehabilitation

By: Russell Hicks, Induron Sales Representative

This case study was originally published in Water & Wastes Digest.

Texarkana Water Utilities needed to rehabilitate a concrete clarifier in the Millwood Potable Water Treatment Plant in Ashwood, AR for the facility to effectively treat the potable water used in the surrounding community. Continue reading Case Study: Texarkana Water Utilities Clarifier Rehabilitation

How to Monitor and Comply with Environmental Conditions When Applying Coatings

By: Tom Wunderlin, Induron Sales Representative

Climate and weather play an important role when it comes to the application of coatings. When to apply and when not to apply is an important decision. There are many important guidelines to follow that appear on almost all product data sheets. For instance, many data sheets advise users to NOT apply when the relative humidity (RH) is above 85% or when the dew point is less than 5 degrees Fahrenheit to the ambient air temperature and substrate temperature. Continue reading How to Monitor and Comply with Environmental Conditions When Applying Coatings

A “Feel Good” Story Worth Telling

By: Paul Powers, Induron Sales Representative

St. Louis isn’t without its memorable sports events—a few trips to the Super Bowl and 11 World Series wins. After all, it’s considered a quintessential baseball town by many. But, our “diamond in the rough” sport, Blues Hockey and their recent championship, is the focus of this story! Continue reading A “Feel Good” Story Worth Telling

Project Spotlight: Hominy Ground Storage Tank Rehab

By: Russell Hicks, Induron Technical Sales Representative

When the city of Hominy, OK needed its 500,000-gallon ground storage tank rehabbed, they encountered a few challenges. First, maintenance had not been performed on the tank for more than 25 years. Plus, the interior of the tank was severely pitted with corrosion cells. And lastly, the owner requested that the tank have a white finish. Continue reading Project Spotlight: Hominy Ground Storage Tank Rehab

A New Generation of Protective Coatings

By: Tom Wunderlin, Induron Sales Representative

 Are today’s “new coatings” superior to the “old coatings” and systems used to protect water storage tanks?  The answer is yes for many of the coatings now on the market. The protective coatings industry is navigating complicated VOC compliance regulations. The adaptation and enforcement of these new, and more aggressive VOC regulations (link to part 1) has produced a new generation of protective coatings for potable water tanks. Continue reading A New Generation of Protective Coatings

Meet the Newest Member of our Team: Kassidy White

We’re excited to welcome Kassidy White to the Induron team! Kassidy graduated from the University of North Alabama with a Bachelor of Science in Professional Chemistry. During college, Kassidy worked for a non-profit organization as a Lab Analyst, which gave her experience tackling tasks like what she will do here at Induron. Continue reading Meet the Newest Member of our Team: Kassidy White

Project Spotlight: Levee Repair in Lafayette

By: Nick Jones, Induron Sales Representative

In August of 2005, Louisiana suffered through more than 50 failures of its levees and flood walls following the passage of Hurricane Katrina and landfall in Mississippi. A levee is a natural or artificial wall that prevents water from flowing into certain areas. Levees are often used to increase available land for habitation, divert a body of water so the fertile soil of a river or seabed may be used for agriculture or prevent rivers from flooding cities in a storm surge. Continue reading Project Spotlight: Levee Repair in Lafayette