Tag Archives: Kendall Smith

Join us at IEEE PES Convention

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Come visit Induron at the upcoming IEEE PES Convention in Anaheim, California. We will be at booth #5254 and look forward to talking with you regarding the protection of your T&D assets!  Continue reading Join us at IEEE PES Convention

The Best Solution for Anything that is Aged and Galvanized

By: Kendall Smith, T&D Sales Representative

Induraguard 9200Induraguard 9200 is the most cost-effective and long-lasting protective coating for anything that is aged or galvanized. As a high-solids, high-build, single-component, self-priming one-coat solution, Induraguard 9200 is ideal for sealing and preventing rust on weathered galvanized and previously painted structures.  Continue reading The Best Solution for Anything that is Aged and Galvanized

The Most Environmentally-Friendly Method for Maintaining Aged Galvanized Steel Structures

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Rise IVF, a leading Swedish industrial research institute focusing on materials, processes and production systems within manufacturing and product development areas, recently completed a report titled the “Refurbishment of hot dip galvanized products – environmental impacts in a life cycle perspective.” Rise IVF’s goal was to form a basis for developing optimal maintenance routines for hot-dip galvanized infrastructure objects in the long term, and it turns out the Induron was the most environmentally-friendly method for maintaining aged galvanized steel structures Continue reading The Most Environmentally-Friendly Method for Maintaining Aged Galvanized Steel Structures

Effective Methods to Maintain and Extend the Power Grid Lifecycle

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Induron Protective Coatings is proud to announce an upcoming webinar with Marcus Evans (ME) regarding corrosion control and protective coatings for the electric utility industry, specifically the transmission and distribution (T&D) sector. 

Join Davies Hood, president of Induron Coatings and two top-level executives of electric utilities as well as specialized coatings contractors, who actually do the work on Oct. 19 at 11 a.m. EST.

Continue reading Effective Methods to Maintain and Extend the Power Grid Lifecycle

Induron Goes International

By: Davies Hood (Induron President) and Kendall Smith (Induron Power Market Manager)

Induron Goes InternationalThe year 2020 ushered in several new changes. As a result of the global pandemic, we all became familiar with the terms and isolating effects of “social distancing,” “safer at home” and “quarantine.” However, we also became much more comfortable with “Zoom Meetings,” “virtual happy hours” and other forms of electronic and virtual gatherings. As much as I am looking forward to in-person meetings, good ol’ trade shows and professional conferences, I would like to comment on some of the electronic advances that some in the industry, including Induron Coatings, took advantage of during the year of “Stay-at-Home.” Continue reading Induron Goes International

What Coatings Can Be Used to Safeguard Power Plants in the Future?

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

The landscape of electricity generation has been changing for decades. Currently, the mix of power plant types and fuels used in the United States include natural gas (simple cycle and combined cycle), nuclear, coal, petroleum, renewables (wind, hydro, solar, geothermal) and more. Continue reading What Coatings Can Be Used to Safeguard Power Plants in the Future?

Proven Protection at the Lowest Applied Cost

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Asset ManagementIn North America, there are a million steel transmission structures fighting corrosion issues. While several thousand of those are being addressed from a corrosion standpoint, there is still more work to be done. The Induron approach to asset protection is the lowest applied cost per square foot per year, and we can calculate the cost based on experience and proven results.  Continue reading Proven Protection at the Lowest Applied Cost

Extending The Useful Life of Global Galvanized T&D Assets

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

Rusty T&D structureInduron sales representatives have traveled around the world to speak with electric transmission managers about protecting T&D assets from corrosion. We have discovered almost as many approaches to coatings and corrosion as the countries we’ve visited. Because most places have extensive literature and standards on new HDG galvanizing, this isn’t surprising, but few standards address what to do when HDG galvanized steel gets rusty!  Continue reading Extending The Useful Life of Global Galvanized T&D Assets

InduraPlan: Corrosion Protection for T&D Structures

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager

At Induron Protective Coatings, we find ourselves traveling across the world to visit electric utilities with T&D corrosion issues at an increasing rate. Thanks to the new age of global marketing, people in faraway places are discovering that Induron offers cost-effective solutions for protecting global T&D assets. Plus, Induron’s sales and technical service team members are certified as NACE coating inspectors and have extensive experience managing asset protection programs. Continue reading InduraPlan: Corrosion Protection for T&D Structures

Building a T&D Asset Protection Program vs. A Project Approach

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager, & Andy Odorzynski, Induron National Sales Manager

In the wake of tragedies like the camp fire in California, and the larger infrastructure crisis looming in the United States, our country’s utilities find themselves at a crossroads: continue to crumble or engage in sustainable asset management. Continue reading Building a T&D Asset Protection Program vs. A Project Approach