Tag Archives: wastewater industry

HSV tank

Restoring a 5 Million Gallon Ground Storage Tank for Huntsville, Alabama

By: Nick Jones, Induron Sales Representative

HSV tankRecently, Induron had the privilege of partnering with Huntsville Utilities, Dixon Engineering, and G&L Sandblasting and Painting to renovate Huntsville Utilities 5-million-gallon ground storage tank in Huntsville, Alabama. Continue reading Restoring a 5 Million Gallon Ground Storage Tank for Huntsville, Alabama

Protective Coatings for Industrial Infrastructure

Protective Coatings for Industrial InfrastructureDavies Hood, President and Owner of Induron Protective Coatings, recently discussed the company’s technologies, its key to success, and its corporate culture in an interview with Materials Performance

Listen to the podcast here or read Davies’ answers below.  Continue reading Protective Coatings for Industrial Infrastructure

NSF 600 Implementation Deadline Extended: Now What?

By: Dr. Jeffrey Lackey, Induron Protective Coatings Technical Director

NSF600 Implementation Deadline Extended The potable water tank industry went into a frenzied panic in 2021 when it was announced that the NSF standard for coatings for potable water was being changed to be significantly more restrictive on the levels of certain chemicals (NSF/ANSI/CAN61-2019.) 

Over the course of the year, we’ve informed our customers of the truth about the new standards, how they impact job sites, and ultimately, how the change is “old news” to Induron.  

While many suppliers scrambled for solutions, Induron looked at the new standards, nodded, and pressed on with “business as usual.” Why? Because years before other companies were forced to reduce the levels of certain chemicals in their products for potable water, Induron had made the proactive decision to design and develop environmentally-friendly products that are as safe as possible for drinking water. Not because we were forced to do so by outside agencies, but because it was simply the right thing to do.

Now the agencies in charge of certifying products for potable water use, such as UL, are saying that many in our industry are complaining that they simply haven’t had time in the last couple of years to make the changes in their products required to meet the implementation date of January 26, 2023. They’ve petitioned the agencies to push the implementation date to the middle of the year–July 31, 2023. This change clearly has some people still struggling to meet these new standards. But again, Induron calmly carries on.

Induron’s Competitive Advantage: Market Focus and Proactivity

Change is inevitable, including (perhaps especially) changes in environmental regulations. But the inevitability of such changes allows a company with a clear vision to deal with such changes by being proactive rather than being forced into ruched, knee-jerk reactions. For Induron, the water tank market is a significant, targeted market and not a “side business.” Our specialized focus allows us to develop and plan proactively. Thus, while others spend their resources scrambling to meet new regulations, Induron can keep our resources focused on serving our customers and developing next generation technologies.  

Interested in learning more about our products, which provide Reliable Protection Through Innovative Coatings? Contact us today. 

Ceramic Epoxy: Extending the Service Life of Potable Water and Wastewater Infrastructure

Ceramic EpoxyWith features for microbial resistance, increased film build, reduced permeability, and better adhesion than cohesion, ceramic epoxies are nothing short of phenomenal. While Induron now manufactures ceramic epoxies that are ideal for several end-uses applications, such as barrier coatings for water tanks, wastewater facilities and water treatment plants, ceramic epoxies were originally developed as a solution for lining ductile iron sanitary sewer pipe.   Continue reading Ceramic Epoxy: Extending the Service Life of Potable Water and Wastewater Infrastructure

Two Tanks, One Successful Coatings System

By: Tex Enoch, Induron Water Tank Market Manager

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? That was the City of Lancaster, PA’s philosophy when selecting a coating system for their new hydropillar tank. 

The coating system applied to its 7.5 million gallon ornamental ground storage tank back in 2020 was so successful that the city and their consulting engineer, AEERO Engineering, specified the same coating system for their new 2.5 million gallon fluted column “Hydropillar” that was completed this year (2021).  Continue reading Two Tanks, One Successful Coatings System

Do You Know The Truth About the New NSF Water Tank Lining Standard?

By: Dr. Jeffrey Lackey, Induron Protective Coatings Technical Director

The Truth About NSF 600Benjamin Franklin once said, “Nothing is certain but death and taxes and regulatory changes.” Okay, you caught me. He didn’t really say anything about regulatory changes, but I’m pretty sure he would have if he had made that statement today.  Continue reading Do You Know The Truth About the New NSF Water Tank Lining Standard?

Defining Industry Challenges

By: Bill Seawell, Induron Technical Service Manager

Aqua Pennsylvania Sproul Road Water TankBack in 2017, Induron’s National Sales Manager, Andy Odorzynski wrote an article emphasizing the need to define the challenges our industry faces in standardizing its approach to coatings in the water industry at large. Now, five years later, the water industry is still facing these fundamental issues. Below, I categorize, itemize and discuss some of these challenges.  Continue reading Defining Industry Challenges

Notes from the Field: NSF 600

By: William Seawell, Induron Technical Service Manager

Lately, in both the industrial coatings and water infrastructure industries, there has been much buzz about the upcoming changes to potable water lining standards. The standard we are all intimately familiar with, ANSI/NSF 61, is being replaced by ANSI/NSF 600. This change goes into effect January 1, 2023 and will  have some effect on nearly all potable water linings installed in the United States. Continue reading Notes from the Field: NSF 600

Understanding Ceramic Epoxies and NSF 600

By: Andy Odorzynski, Induron National Sales Manager

Ceramic EpoxyFor more than 35 years, Induron Protective Coatings has manufactured ceramic epoxies for various corrosive environments, including potable water storage tanks and water treatment facilities. On July 31,  2023, the industry will undergo a change as the requirements NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 are adopted into the NSF Std 61 Health Effects Evaluation and Criteria for Chemicals in Drinking Water standard.  Continue reading Understanding Ceramic Epoxies and NSF 600

Dirty Jobs: A Guide to Treatment Plant Coatings (Part III)

By: Bill Seawell, Induron Technical Service Manager

treatement plantWater and wastewater treatment plants require a variety of industrial coatings due to their diverse service environments. From potable water immersion to aeration basins to exterior weathering systems, each service is different and requires a specialized coatings solution for corrosion protection.  Continue reading Dirty Jobs: A Guide to Treatment Plant Coatings (Part III)